① 混凝土与水泥制品和建筑材料学报哪个好
建筑材料学报是学术刊物,由国家教育部主管,同济大学主办.收录本刊的数据库有:中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版)、美国《工程索引》(Ei Compendex)、美国《化学文摘》(CA)、中国科学引文数据库、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中国学术期刊文摘(中、英文版)等,并被国家科技部、中国科学文献计量评价研究中心等认定为“中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)”;在《中国学术期刊评价研究报告》(2009-2010)中,被评为“RCCSE中国核心学术期刊”。本刊的主要任务是:反映国内外建筑材料及其相关领域内的最新科研及工程应用成果(包括新理论、新产品、新工艺和新设备等),主要刊登建筑材料基础研究及应用研究的学术论文,同时也刊登相关的工程应用、研究简报、实验技术类文章.刊物面向国内外征稿,第一作者为在读硕士生(含以下)的稿件及综述性文章恕不受理.
杂志简介本刊创刊于1974年,是国内外公开发行的我国建筑科学类核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊。本刊的宗旨是:报道国内外混凝土与水泥制品行业的生产(施工)、应用、科研、设计、教学及企业管理等方面的新技术、新成果、新经验和最新的发展动力。起宣传政策、交流经验、传播知识、沟通信息、为行业科技发展服务的作用。 本刊主要读者对象是:土建设计、施工、科研单位、混凝土与水泥制品的生产企业和设备生产、安装单位的科技人员(包括技术工人)及业务管理人员;大专院校土建专业师生;建设单位和基建部门的有关人员。
② 耐磨耐冲击的滚套如何选材如何热处理
这类钢含锰10%~15%,碳含量较高,一般为0.90%~1.50%,大部分在1.0%以上。其化学成分为(%): C0.90~1.50Mn10.0~15.0 Si0.30~1.0 S≤0.05 P≤0.10这类高锰钢的用量最多,常用来制作挖掘机的铲齿、圆锥式破碎机的轧面壁和破碎壁、颚式破碎机岔板、球磨机衬板、铁路辙岔、板锤、锤头等。 上述成分的高锰钢的铸态组织通常是由奥氏体、碳化物和珠光体所组成,有时还含有少量的磷共晶。碳化物数量多时,常在晶界上呈网状出现。因此铸态组织的高锰钢很脆,无法使用,需要进行固溶处理。通常使用的热处理方法是固溶处理,即将钢加热到1050~1100℃,保温消除铸态组织,得到单相奥氏体组织,然后水淬,使此种组织保持到常温。热处理后钢的强度、塑性和韧性均大幅度提高,所以此种热处理方法也常称为水韧处理。热处理后力学性能为:σb615~1275MPa σ 0.2340~470MPa ζ15%~85% ψ15%~45% aKl96~294J/cm2 HBl80~225 高锰钢经过固溶处理后还会有少量的碳化物未溶解,当其数量较少符合检验标准时,仍可使用。 奥氏体组织的高锰钢受到冲击载荷时,金属表面发生塑性变形。
③ 有没有叫“水泥工艺”的报纸或是杂志
报刊代号报刊名称刊期出版日期订阅单价全年价 2-325水泥 月刊当月10日¥内2.30 ¥27.60 6-52水泥技术容 双月刊单月25日¥6.00 ¥36.00 14-253散装水泥 双月刊双月25日¥10.00 ¥60.00 28-80混凝土与水泥制品 双月刊双月10日¥8.00 ¥48.00 28-240水泥工程 双月刊双月15日¥8.00 ¥48.00 62-63新世纪水泥导报 双月刊单月20日¥6.00 ¥36.00 62-149四川水泥 双月刊双月01日¥5.00 ¥30.00 82-739中国水泥 月刊当月01日¥8.00 ¥96.
④ 水泥类专业一般投什么核心期刊(非EI)比较好,相对比较好的核心最好不要太贵还不会太慢……
⑤ 出版刊物代号M J N
1 、期刊作者.题名〔J〕.刊名,出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码
2、 专著作者.书名〔M〕.版本(第一版不著录).出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码
3、 论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名,出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码
4 、学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点.保存单位.年份
5 、专利文献题名〔P〕.国别.专利文献种类.专利号.出版日期
6、 标准编号.标准名称〔S〕
7、 报纸作者.题名〔N〕.报纸名.出版日期(版次)
8 、报告作者.题名〔R〕.保存地点.年份
9 、电子文献作者.题名〔电子文献及载体类型标识〕.文献出处,日期
1、根据GB3469 规定,各类常用文献标识如下:
〔2〕Dobbs J M, Wong J M. Modification of supercritical fluid phasebehavior using polor coselvent〔J〕. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1987,26:56
〔4〕 Mesquita A C, Mori M N, Vieira J M, et al . Vinyl acetate polymerization by ionizing radiation〔J〕.Radiation Physics and Chemistry,2002, 63:465
〔2〕Kortun G. Reflectance Spectros〔M〕. New York: Spring-Verlag,1969
〔2〕Eiben A E, vander Hauw J K.Solving 3-SAT with adaptive genetic algorithms 〔C〕.//Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation.Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997.81-86
〔 2 〕 Chrisstoffels L A J . Carrier-facilitated transport as a mechanistic tool in supramolecular chemistry〔D〕.The Netherland:Twente University.1988
〔1〕Hasegawa, Toshiyuki, Yoshida,et al.Paper Coating composition〔P〕.EP 0634524.1995-01-18
〔 2 〕 仲前昌夫, 佐藤寿昭. 感光性树脂〔 P 〕. 日本, 特开平09-26667.1997-01-28
〔3〕Yamaguchi K, Hayashi A.Plant growth promotor and proctionthereof 〔P〕.Jpn, Jp1290606.
〔1〕ISO 1210-1982,塑料——小试样接触火焰法测定塑料燃烧性〔S〕
〔2〕GB 2410-80,透明塑料透光率及雾度实验方法〔S〕
⑥ 水泥的期刊简介
《水泥》 期刊由中国建材协会主管,建材技术情报研究所主办,1974年创刊,内容新颖、信息量大。坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣办刊方针。以探讨理论问题和实践问题为主要办刊特色,讲求科学性与实用性。发行量居全国建材科技期刊榜首。主要栏目有:生产技术,生产设备,收尘环保,试验研究,标准介绍,电气控制,计量监测,分析测试,专题报道,技改交流等,适合于水泥及相关企业、科研院所、大专院校及设计单位的技术人员阅读参考。
⑦ 水泥行业的代表性杂志
《中国冶金》创刊于1991年。作为中国金属学会的会刊,《中国冶金》是冶金行业唯一具有科技政策和技术导向性、多专业性、实用性的综合类科技期刊。该刊的主编是中国金属学会的秘书长李文秀教授。《中国冶金》为月刊、大16开本, 64页,向国内外公开发行。其主要内容包括:⑴报道学会活动:包括中国金属学会的活动计划、会议预告、征文通知、书刊介绍、会议总结/纪要、出国考察报告;学会总部、专业委员会、地方学会和团体会员单位的重大组织变更;学会的年度工作总结、工作经验介绍以及对个人会员、团体会员、专业委员会、地方学会的表彰等。⑵专题论述、技术文章和学术论文:设有专家论坛、专题报道、专业发展综述(特约文章)、战略研讨、企业管理、技术创新、节能环保、工艺装备、冶金工艺技术进展等栏目。⑶科技信息:国内外冶金企业的研究开发动态和生产建设动态等。
《现代化工》创刊于1980年,是由中国化工信息中心主办的大型综合性化工技术类期刊。 《现代化工》以战略性、工业性和信息性为特色, 致力于科技成果向生产力的转化 ,全面报道国内外最新化工科研、技术应用和技术革新成果,探讨化工行业和科研领域的热点、焦点话题,报道内容广,发行范围大,是化工及其相关领域从事科研、设计、教学、信息研究和技术管理人员的首选综合性技术类期刊。
⑧ 土木工程领域的国外期刊有哪些
1,Advances in Structural Engineering
2,ACI Journal of Materials
3,ACI Structural Journal
4,Automation in Construction
5,Buildings and Structures
6,Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-3674
7,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineerin
8,Computational Mechanics
9,Computers and Structures
10,Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X
11,Cement and Concrete Research
12,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
13,Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
15,Earthquake Spectrum
3,施工技术 ;建筑技术;世界建筑;建筑科学;世界地震工程;建筑学报
⑨ 仪表技术与传感器 这个杂志好用吗
⑩ 求跟水泥或水泥厂工艺有关的期刊文献 中英版
Doc 1.2.1
Proction Performance Guarantees
Revision 20.09.2003
A) Proction Performance Guarantees for “Tests on Completion”
A.1) Indivial Tests of Area, System or Sub-system
Limestone Quarry Operation – for information to CP2 -
Capacity: 65,000 t per week (dry)
Guaranteed 1,700 t/h (dry)
Feed Moisture 2.5 % Max
Feed size: 1mx1.3mx1.5 m Max
Test Duration:: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: no Interruption
Quaternary Quarry Operation – for information to CP2 -
Capacity: 9,000 t per week (dry)
Guaranteed 230 t/h (dry)
Feed size: 1mx1.3mx1.5 m Max
Feed Moisture 13 % Min
27 % Average
40 % Max
Test Duration:: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: no Interruption
Limestone/Quaternary Crusher
Guaranteed output: > 1,100 t/h (dry)
Feed size: 1mx1.3mx1.5 m Max
Feed Moisture Limestone 2.5 % Max
Quaternary 13 % Min
Quaternary 27 % Average
Quaternary 40 % Max
Mix ratio Limestone 85 %
Quaternary 15 %
Guaranteed proct size:
<80mm 95 %
<150mm 100 %
Lifetime for hammers: 1250 Operation hours
Test Duration: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: 5 Minutes for each test
Limestone/Quaternary Long Belt Conveyor
Capacity guaranteed > 1,250 t/h (dry)
Limestone/Quaternary Mix Pre-Blending Storage
Feed material: Proct of the limestone/quaternary mix crusher
Storage Capacity: > 50,000 t (dry)
Stacker capacity guaranteed: > 1,200 t/h (dry)
Reclaimer capacity guaranteed: > 520 t/h (dry)
Blending effect: Standard deviation CaCO3 <2.5%
Test Duration: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: 5 Minutes for each test
Test Duration: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: 5 Minutes for each test
Raw Mill:
Feed size:
<80mm 95 %
<150mm 100 %
Feed Moisture H2O by weight 8 % Max
Feed Composition
Limestone/Quaternary 98 % Max
High Grade Limestone 15 % Max
Iron Ore 6 % Max
Sand 11 % Max
Guaranteed output: ≥520 t/h (dry)
Output fineness:
≤12% resie 80 micron
≤ 1% resie 200 micron
Output moisture: H2O by weight ≤ 1 %
Lifetime guarantee:
Roller table and roller liners ≥15,000 Operating hours
and ≥ 7,275,000 Tons of raw meal
Test Duration: 2 Test each 24 hours
Maximum interruption: One time 15 Minutes for each test
Raw Meal Homogenizing Silo:
Capacity: 19,000 Ton
Standard deviation in CaO of discharge raw meal guaranteed 0.2 % Max
Homogenizing ratio at 50% filling degree guaranteed 5:1 Min
Degree of emptying guaranteed 98 % Min
Test Duration:
1st Test 36 Hours
2nd Test 72 Hours
Maximum interruption:
1st Test 2 Times 15 minutes
2nd Test 2 Times 30 minutes
Number of Samples: Not less than 1 sample per hour
Preheater Kiln:
Clinker quality for PII 52.5 cement has to be according to Chinese Regulations but of not less quality than specified in: Doc 2.5. [Proct Requirements ]
Capacity ≥ 1,920,000 t of clinker in 320 days
resulting in ≥6,000 t clinker per day
Free lime in clinker
minimum 85% of proction ≤ 1.0 % CaO
maximum 15% of proction ≤ 1.5% CaO
Compression strength of clinker at 3,500+100cm^2/gr 3 days
28 days >36 MPa
>62.5 MPa
Free lime (CaO) standard deviation 0.12
Specific heat consumption: ≤ 737 kcal/kg clinker
Dust content after Preheater ≤ 50 g/Nm3
Fuel Distribution:
Kiln fuel for guarantee test 40 %
Calciner fuel for guarantee test 60 %
Design Guarantee fuel 100 % Anthracite
Trial run for entitlement to Proction Performance Tests:
7 continuous days ≥ 85 % of 6,000 t/d clinker resulting in > 35,700 t
Maximum interruption in total: 105 minutes, i.e. raw meal feeding to kiln
Test Duration:
for procing minimum 18,000 ton of qualified clinker per test
3 tests (1 “on Completion” 2 “after Completion”) each test 72 Hours
Maximum interruption: 15 Minutes per 24 hours
or 30 Minutes within 72 hours
Clinker Cooler:
Capacity of cooler for all size of Clinker fitting to kiln requirements > 6,000 t of clinker per day
Clinker outlet temperature for all type of clinker (Above ambient temperature in the shade measured at the Cooler Building) ≤ 60 °C
Cooler efficiency: ≥ 73.2 %
At specific grate load: ≤ 45 t/d per m2
At ambient temperature of: ≤30 °C
Trial run for entitlement to Proction Performance Tests:
7 continuous days ≥ 85 % of 6,000 t/d clinker resulting in > 35,700 t
Maximum interruption in total: 105 minutes, i.e. stop of cooler drive
Test Duration:
for procing minimum 18,000 ton of qualified clinker per test
3 tests (1 “on Completion” 2 “after Completion”) each test 72 Hours
Maximum interruption: 15 Minutes per 24 hours
or 30 Minutes within 72 hours
Clinker Storage:
Capacity 126,000 t clinker
Guaranteed degree of emptying by gravity 87 % Minimum
Lifetime of Refractory Materials on Area 40:
Inlet Zone 16,000 Operating hours
Transition zone
Sintering zone 16,000
8,000 Operating hours
Operating hours
Pre-Heater and Calciner and Terliary Air Duct: 16,000
Operating hours
Clinker cooler:
High Temperature zone 10,000 Operating hours
Low Temperature zone
Operating hours
Kiln hood: 10,000
Operating hours
Cement Grinding:
Guaranteed proct temperature before silo ≤ 70 °C
Guarantee performance PII 52.5 / PII 42.5 at 3,600 Blaine
On closed circuit mill (2 systems) 95 t/h each
On open circuit mill (3 systems) 83 t/h each
Indicative performance data for Area 50:
for each mill closed circuit kWh/t t/h
PO 42.5 37.00 103
PO 32.5 37.00 103
PC 32.5 33.00 115
for each mill open circuit kWh/t t/h
PO 42.5 40.00 90
PO 32.5 40.00 90
PC 32.5 37.50 100
Guaranteed working hours of life time for lining and internal parts of mills:
First Compartment Liners 15,000 Operating hours
Second Compartment Liners 20,000 Operating hours
Slotted Plates for Partition 15,000 Operating hours
Blind Plates for Partition 15,000 Operating hours
Slotted Plates for outlet diaphragm 20,000 Operating hours
Grinding Media consumption 40 gram/t
Test Duration for each mill:
2 times 24 hours
Maximum interruption:
1 time 15 minutes each test
Cement Storage:
Total capacity 90,000 t net
Single cell silo 2 x 1 cell each 15,000 t net
Double cell silo 4 x 1 cell each 10,000 t net
4 x 1 cell each 5,000 t net
Guaranteed degree of emptying each silo 98 % Minimum
Rotary Packing Machines:
Guaranteed total output for 50 kg bags:
2 x 100 t/h (loaded on rear open truck)
Accuracy of Bag weight: According to Chinese standard.
For 20 single random bags of 50 kg, deviation in weight of each bag shall be not more or less than 500 gram.
Test Duration:
2 times 8 hours
Maximum interruption: 15 minutes each test each Rotary Packing Machine
Big Bag Loading Station:
Guaranteed total output for 1,000 kg bags
1 x 40 t/h
Bulk Cement Truck Loading Station:
Number of cement types to be loaded 5
Number of bulk loading systems 4
Guaranteed total output for each type of cement, measured from “Start Loading” to “End of Loading” 250 t/h for each Loading System
Bulk Cement Ship Loading:
Guaranteed total loading time for barge of 300 dwt size
from berthing to departure 75 minutes
Raw Coal Ship Unloading:
Unloading capacity guaranteed for 300 dwt ship size
from berthing to departure 180 minutes
Coal grain size
<50 mm 95 %
<80 mm 100 %
Coal moisture content 12 % Maximum
Test Duration: 2 tests each 3 ship
Maximum interruption: none
Coal Dust Silo:
Guaranteed Total capacity 400 t coal st
Guaranteed degree of emptying 100 %
Coal Mill:
Feed size: <50mm 95 %
<80mm 100 %
Feed Moisture 12 % Max
Feed Type Anthracite 100 %
Guaranteed output: 45 t/h (dry)
At output fineness: <2.5% resie 80 micron
<0.5% resie 200 micron
Output moisture: <1 %
Lifetime guaranteed:
Table liner and roller liners 15,000 Operating hours
but not less than 675,000 Tons of Coal Dust
Test Duration: 2 Test each 24 hours
Maximum interruption: One time 15 Minutes for each test
Coal Pre-Blending Storage:
Coal grain size <50 mm 95 % min
<80 mm 100 % max
Coal moisture content, H2O by weight 12 % Maximum
Storage capacity guaranteed: 2 x 17,500 t (dry)
Stacker capacity guaranteed: 225 t/h (dry)
Reclaimer capacity guaranteed: 60 t/h (dry)
Homogenizing ratio at 100% filling guaranteed 11:1 Standard deviation of Carbon, but not less than 1% standard deviation at outlet.
Test Duration: 2 Test each 8 hours
Maximum interruption: none
Shared Raw Material Storage:
Guaranteed Storage Capacities :
High Grade Limestone 6,750 t (dry)
River Sand 2,750 t (dry)
Quarry Sand 2,000 t (dry)
Iron Ore 10,000 t (dry)
Reserve (equivalent to limestone) 2,000 t (dry)
Guaranteed stacking capacity:
High Grade Limestone and Quarry Sand Stacker 1,200 t/h (dry)
River Sand Truck / Dozer 100 t/h (dry)
Iron Ore Truck / Dozer 100 t/h (dry)
Reclaiming guaranteed for each:
High Grade Limestone 2 x 90 t/h (wet) by Loader
Both Sand types 1 x 90 t/h (wet) by Loader
Iron Ore 1 x 90 t/h (wet) by Loader
Precondition: Moisture content
High Grade Limestone 2,5 % Maximum
Sand 5 % Maximum
Iron Ore 22 % Maximum
Test Duration: 2 Test each 8 hours
Maximum interruption: none
Gypsum Storage - Uncrushed:
Total out-door storage capacity 10,000 t
Feed size: 500 mm Maximum
Feed Moisture 5 % Maximum
Stacking capacity guaranteed by loader 200 t/h (wet)
Reclaiming capacity guaranteed by loader >100 t/h (dry)
Gypsum/Iron Ore/Coal Crusher
Functionality must be given for:
Feed size: Gypsum 100% < 500 mm
90% < 300 mm
Feed size: Iron Ore 100% < 500 mm
90% < 300 mm
Feed size: Coal 100% < 300 mm
90% < 100 mm
Feed Moisture Gypsum 5 % Max
Iron Ore 22 % Max
Coal 12 % Max
Output for gypsum guaranteed: 100 t/h (dry)
Guaranteed proct size: < 50 mm < 95 %
< 80 mm 100 %
Lifetime for wear element based on gypsum:
Test Duration: 3 Test each 6 hours
Maximum interruption: 5 Minutes for each test
Sand Ship Unloading:
Unloading capacity guaranteed for 300 t standard ship size
1 x >100 t/h (dry)
Emptying cargo hull 180 Minutes
Sand grain size <10 mm 95 %
<20 mm 100 %
Precondition: moisture content 6 % Maximum
Test Duration: 2 tests each 3 ship
Maximum interruption: none
General Emission Limits:
NOx guaranteed < 500 mg/Nm3
SO2 guaranteed << 400 mg/Nm3
Noise at Plant Boundary:
Daytime guaranteed ≤60 dB (A)
Nighttime guaranteed ≤50 dB (A)
Desting Filters:
Process filters for Kiln and raw mill
Cooler if applicable
Cement mills
Coal mill
Process filter type Bag
Standard filter type Bag
Guarantees for process filters
st emissions < 10 mg/Nm3
Lifetime of bags for 4020-4 see extended warrantees
Compressed air consumption for 4020-4 1,388 Nm3/h
Lifetime of bags for cement mills and coal mill filters 15,000 operation hours
Guarantees for standard filters
st emissions < 10 mg/Nm3
lifetime of bags 15,000 operation hours
Guarantee of Specific Power Consumption at Guaranteed Capacity:
Group including illumination and other proction related consumers:
20 Raw Material Preparation 3.06 kWh/t raw mat. mix
30 Raw Meal Preparation 19.14 kWh/t raw meal
40 Clinker Proction 24.01 kWh/t clinker
50 Cem. Manufacturing PII 52.5/42.5 closed 42.0 kWh/t cement
50 Cem. Manufacturing PII 52.5/42.5 open 43.7 kWh/t cement
60 Cement Packing and Dispatch 2.82 kWh/t cement
0640 Coal Fuel Preparation 43.90 kWh/t coal
Total specific power consumption based on the proction of the Cement type PII 52.5 or PII 42.5 at 3600 cm^2/gr. “Blaine” proced on open circuit mills only, packed and loaded on trucks 102.5 kWh/t of cement,
“non proction related departments” indicative 2,100,000. kWh per year
The Guaranteed Specific Power Consumption per group may be adjusted after the completion of the design if approved by the Engineer. However the guaranteed Total Specific Power Consumption (102.5 kwh/ton cement) must remain as stated.
Test Proceres for the Indivial Areas and/or Sub-Systems:
The Tests shall be fulfilled within the operation hours specified in Doc 2.4 [Group Limits and Requirements] wherever applicable.
Guaranteed Capacities:
The capacities of the various equipment will be determined by weighing the resultant proct either continuously by means of the weighing equipment of the department or by means of the weighing bridges of the plant using trucks after calibration of the weighing equipment.
Measuring tolerance will not be more than +0.5%
Power Consumption:
The power consumption of the respective department will be measured on the medium voltage side.
Measuring tolerance will not be more than +1%
Fuel Consumption:
The fuel consumption of the respective department will be measured by the calibrated counters of the fuel dosing equipment.
Measuring tolerance will not be more than +0.5 %
Heat Value of Fuel:
The heat value of the fuel will be determined by a local neutral authority three times ring the test period of the respective Proction.
A.2) Interlocked Test
A.2.1) Proction Performance Guarantee
Area 20, 30, 40, 06 and related auxiliary departments:
Precondition: Operation times shall be as given in Doc 2.4 [Group Limits and Requirements]
1 test 72 hours
Maximum interruption of clinker proction:
3 times
15 minutes per 24 hours
or 1 times 30 minutes within 72 hours
This test may be combined in sequence with the tests “A.1) Indivial Proction performance Test” for the Pre-Heater Kiln and interlocked test for “A.2.2)
A.2.2) Proction Performance Guarantee
Interlocked Areas 50, 60 and related auxiliary departments:
Precondition: Operation times shall be as given in Doc 2.4 [Group Limits and Requirements]
1 test 72 hours
Maximum interruption of cement proction/dispatch:
3 times
15 minutes per 24 hours
or 1 times 30 minutes within 72 hours
This test may be combined in sequence with the tests “A1.1) Indivial Proction Performance Test” for the Pre-Heater Kiln and interlocked test for “A.2.1)
A.3) Proction Performance Guarantee
Area 40 Clinker Proction (reliability/availability):
This test can be carried out either before or after Taking-over.
The guaranteed performance shall be not less than 90,000 tons of qualified clinker in 15 continuous days
Maximum Interruption: 16 hours accumulated for kiln feed
but including only one (1) kiln main drive stop
This test may be combined in sequence with the “A.1) Indivial Test” for the Pre-Heater Kiln and interlocked test for “A.2.1)
B) Proction Performance Guarantees for “Tests after Completion”
B.1) 1st Test after Completion:
The “Tests after Completion” shall comprise the all described for A) Proction Performance Guarantees “Tests on Completion” except “A.3) Proction Performance Guarantee for Area 40 Clinker Proction
Note! It is a condition of Contract that this Test for “Test after Completion” which is intrinsically liked to has to take place at least 3000hrs after the successful completion of the test “A.3)
B.2) 2nd Test after Completion:
The “Tests after Completion” shall comprise the all described for A) Proction Performance Guarantees “Tests on Completion” except “A.3) Proction Performance Guarantee for Area 40 Clinker Proction
C) Entire Works Defects Notification (Warrantee) Period:
For explanation see Doc 1.1 Clause
Entire System warrantee for the Plant will be 15,000 Operation hours but not more than 730 calendar days for the rest of the Works. A Limited number of items as stated hereafter under D) Extended Defects Notification Period.
for a
D) Extended Defects Notification (Warrantee) Period:
The Defects Notification Period shall be extended for the items described below.
Precondition for the extended warrantees: the requirements of the manufacturer for operation and maintenance shall be strictly fulfilled.
Just before Employer and Contractor and the quality shall jointly inspect end of the “Extended Warrantee Time”, the items of warranty shall be confirmed as “not reced quality”, otherwise defects or damage shall be notified. Remedy shall be provided and the “Defects Notification Period” shall be expired as stated in Doc 1.1 [Conditions of Contract].
Raw mill main gear box 5 years
Raw mill main motor bearings* 100,000 Operation hours
Raw mill fan motor bearings* 100,000 Operation hours
Cement mill main gear box 4 years
Cement mill main motor bearings* 100,000 Operation hours
Coal mill main gear box 5 years
Coal mill main motor bearings* 100,000 Operation hours
Kiln tires 10 years
Kiln support rollers 10 years
Kiln main drive gear box 4 years
Kiln girth gear and pinion 6 years
4020-4 Process Filter fan motor bearings* 100,000 Operation hours
4020-4 Process Filter: bags 23,000 Operating hours
4020-4 Process Filter bag cages 23,000 Operating hours
Clinker Cooler grate plates:
for Recuperation Zone 3,840,000 t of clinker
for Other Zones 3,840,000 t of clinker
for crusher wear elements 5,760,000 t of clinker
Corrosion of steel structures and/or machinery: 5 years
*) The bearings of the motors shall have design lifetime of 100,000 operation hours.