A. 关于电磁波,天线方面的英文文献,要求翻译中文大约3000字
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B. 求一篇微带矩形贴片天线英文文献翻译,需注明文献来源,中文五千字左右,在线等,合适加分
Son S H, Eom S Y,Hwang W. Development of a smart-skin phased array system with a honeycombsandwich microstrip antenna [J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2008,17:1-9.
C. 求一篇关于微带天线的英文文献翻译 就是英文翻译成中文 中文字数不低于5000字
每一个不同类型的目的是可以使用在实际的频率范围。校准器和配线同轴电缆也可提供。同轴电缆的检查电缆直径两种类型:Ø 4.01(141为基础)和ø2.68(085基于此产品是继电器连接器,连接到信号线whichstretches到微带板或板底平面连接器,而不是ofwelding 。这以下优点,使生产线容易无线电频率检测体系建设。组件可以单独购买与在Web上的任何人页面价格,并于同日发表的有序日期部分。频范围:DC - 10 GHz的射频,直流和中频所需的产品可与SMA的规范的组件的相互连接器的接口,所以没有适应需要,就可以连接该产品可以很容易地连接到年底。。共面微带板或板焊接在一个水平同轴连接器代替。要测试的电路板放置在接地块,上下移动,然后被插入并连接到GND。春天的工具与中央的路线,连接到板上的信号线进行测试。至于板地,表面方接收GND和背面连接到与GND块的工具。该工具的同轴结构中线输出由跳汰机的内部零件,并且可以连接到同轴电缆适用板厚度:。最大为2.0mm接地块压紧力:3公斤力该工具的宽度是作为连接器的尺寸相同,甚至可以使用。根据安排,甚至是连续的连接器电路板规格。当使用正交,请参阅最小可能安装在左侧。为了提高工作的操作,该工具的主体是具有上市滑轨安装尺寸。甚至当铁路固定为主体,宽度是一样的同轴连接器相同,即12.7毫米。滑轨具有锁定功能锚定工具的主体,以最高的铁路。由于主体工具可以一起向前和向后移动滑轨即使董事会安装,要测量时,或每块板的外部尺寸略有不同,该工具的主体可以很容易地把靠近板进行测量。若该工具的前后位置可确定的,在轨道上的主体是固定的拉动杠杆,稳定和连续测量是可能的。通过调整,将成为在前面一个燕尾槽直线铁路和背面滑轨,可用于测量信号在黑板上的反对立场分配线使用的测量。利用燕尾滑轨上的侧槽,每个滑轨可正交连接到对方。幻灯片铁路也下滑到右,沿侧燕尾槽左侧。因此,在测量板大小的变化可处理相结合,滑轨和前面和工具在铁路主体回归滑动,即使几个信号线被分配在旁边的某个地方,该工具芯线可连接在一个直角。请使用附加到锚定表(*请准备锚自己的表)的滑轨。各类型每个目的都可用。校正初探知道电路板的真正价值5种类型的检查或测试产品开发的电路板图案同轴土地一类型的安装,电源相关的1型差动连接器1型2种类型1,检查电路的电路板(无线电波探头)碰不得的检验类型点击这里查看如何使用的产品,可在实际使用的频率范围用于校准知道了电路板的真正价值: 由6 GHz 为检查开发的或测试的产品: 由8 GHz 为同轴
D. 通信方面的英文文献翻译!!
Spatial Compressive Sensing Approach For Field
Directionality Estimation.
1. 引言
Variety of techniques for field directionality estimation were
studied in literature [1]-[5]. Thus, a theoretical analysis of
the relationship between the hydrophone array output and the
noise field was concted in [1]-[5]. 用于场方向性估计的多种技术在文献中做了研究[1]-[5]。因此,对水听器阵列输出和噪声场之间的关系进行了理论的分析[1]-[5]。The developed techniques were based on the array beamformer output or the cross spectral
matrix between outputs of array elements [4]-[5]. 所开发的技术是基于阵列波束形成器的输出或阵列单元输出之间的互功率谱矩阵[4]-[5]。The problem of a field directionality estimation in ocean, using horizontal line towed array was also addressed in literature [5]-[8]. 用水平线拖曳阵列在海洋中的场方向性估计问题,在文献中也用水平线拖曳阵列着重做了研究[5]-[8]。Recently, problems of direction of arrival and field directionality
estimation for moving sensors arrays have attracted
renewed interest [9]-[12]. 近年来,移动的传感器阵列的到达方向问题和场方向性估计问题已重新引起人们的兴趣[9]-[12]。It was shown that an array motion
can improve an array performance assuming temporal coherence
of successive samples [10]-[11]. 已经证明,假设相继的样本的时间相干性,那么一个阵列的运动可以改善一个阵列的性能[10]-[11]。In [12], the wavefield
sampling method that exploits the linear relationship between
the noise field and the collection of beamformer outputs over
various array orientations was proposed.在文献[12]中,提出了探索噪声场和在各个不同阵列取向上采集波束形成器输出之间线性关系的波场取样方法。 It was shown that
the wavefield sampling (WS) method outperforms other tested methods. This algorithm was implemented via the recursive estimation method and its convergence to the unique solution was promised for a specific set of array orientations and beamformer look directions. 已经证明,波长取样方法(WS)胜过其他被试验的方法。这一算法通过递推估计法实施,并且它对唯一解的收敛有望用于一组特定阵列取向和波束形成器观察方向。However, a method for a proper array orientation and beamformer look direction sequence selection remains an open question. 然而,一种用于完美阵列取向和波束形成器观察方向顺序选择的方法仍然是一个公开的问题。
The quality of the field directionality estimation is determined by the angular resolution. The higher angular resolution is, the more accurate estimation of the far field sources,
and better detection performance can be achieved. 场方向性估计的质量由角度分辨率决定。角度分辨率越高,远场源的估计精度就越高,并能达到越好的检测性能。One of
fundamental relations in the array signal processing is that the angular resolution is directly proportional to the number of the array elements [13]. 在阵列信号处理中的基本关系之一就是角度分辨率与阵列元件数成正比[13]。This relation motivates the desire
for longer arrays that can achieve higher resolution. Unfortunately,
the requirement contradicts the implementation and installation limitations that motivate shorter arrays. 这一关系激发了采用能达到较高分辨率的较长阵列的欲望。不幸的是,这一要求与促进较短阵列的实施和敷设是矛盾的。Moreover, implementation of longer arrays for maneuvering platforms such as unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) can even be
impossible [14]. 而且,对操纵平台(例如无人潜水器(UUV))实施较长阵列甚至会是不可能的[14]。These contradictions motivate the quest for alternative array signal processing methods. Usually, the field directionality is modeled as a finite set of strong far-field narrow-band sources and an isotropic lowpower noise [1]. 这些矛盾激发了人们对可供选择的阵列信号处理方法的寻找。通常,场方向性被建模为一组有限的强远场窄带源和一个各向同性的低功率噪声[1]。In this work, the model of the field directionality
is adopted in the following way. 在本文中,场方向性的模型以以下方式被采用。First, the bearing angle space is uniformly sampled into a large number of discrete
angles. 首先,象限角空间被均匀取样成大量分离的角度。Next, it is assumed that ether the high energy that corresponds to the far-field strong sources or the low-energy
that corresponds to the isotropic noise is received at the sensor
array from every of these discrete azimuth angles. 其次,假设与远场强源相应的高能量及与各向同性噪声相应的低能量都在传感器阵列处被从这些分离的方位角的每一个角度被接收。(译注:这里的ether漏字了,现按either翻译,如实neither则意思相反)
E. 求一篇天线类的英文文献翻译,英文2W印刷字,中文四五千字,合适的再另送高分
Although antenna engineering has a history of over 60 years, it remains, in the words of a recent review article .虽然天线的引擎已经有60年的历史了。但是,仍然是最新鲜的话题。 “ . . . a vibrant field which is bursting with activity, and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future.” 一个非常活跃的领域正在飞速的成长,也许在可以预见的未来仍然保持如此的劲头。Within this field, if the numbers of journal articles, symposia papers, workshops, and short courses are any indication, it is probably safe to say that microstrip antennas form one of the most innovative areas of current antenna work. 在这个领域,如果评论的数量,讨论文章,研习会,以及短期课程可以提供任何的方向的话,它将为微带天线从创新领域中脱颖而出提供可能。This paper will review some of the most significant advances in the design and modeling of microstrip antennas that have been made in the last several years.这篇文章将会回顾在最近几年微带天线设计和安装中所取得某些最重要的进步。 The idea of the microstrip antenna dates back to the 1950’s .but it was not until the 1970’s that serious attention was given to this element. 这个关于微带天线的数据的想法可以追溯到1950年,但是直到1970年,这个方面才被引起了足够的重视。As shown in Fig. l(a), the basic configuration of a microstrip antenna is a metallic patch printed on a thin, grounded dielectric substrate. 正如所显示的,关于微带天线的基础的程序集是一种金属性的领域,一种非常薄的、绝缘的材料。Originally, the element was fed with either a coaxial line through the bottom of the substrate, or by a coplanar microstrip line. 本来,这个元素是一条穿过这个物质的底部的清晰的线,或者是一个微碳的线。This latter type of excitation allows feed networks and other circuitry to be fabricated on the same substrate as the antenna element, as in the corporatefed microstrip array shown in Fig. l(b). The microstrip antenna radiates a relatively broad beam broadside to the plane of the substrate. Thus the microstrip antenna has a very low profile, and can be fabricated using printed circuit (photolithographic) techniques. This implies that the antenna can be made conformable, and potentially at low cost. Other advantages include easy fabrication into linear or planar arrays, and easy integration with microwave integrated circuits.
F. 天线的英文翻译
Define 天线:
1. antenna
2. mast
Relative explainations:
<aerial> <antennae> <monitoring aerial>
1. 接收节目前,你应该先装天线。
You should fix the television antenna before receiving programs.
2. 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!
Some joker's been playing around with my car aerial!
3. 鸟停在电视天线上.
The birds perched on the television aerial.
4. 装上新天线后画面清晰多了.
The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.
G. 能发我一份关于微带天线的外文文献外加中文WORD翻译,如能在两天内发给我,悬赏加倍。
H. 求一篇微带天线设计的英文文献翻译(最好有源英文文献),中文四千字左右,在线等,合适加分