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发布时间: 2021-03-26 14:01:03

1. business letter 开头的对方的地址怎么写(美式),请例举,谢谢!

Brief Introction to Business Letters
Words and expressions:
Attention line
Subject line
Full block style(齐头式)
Indented style

Section A Parts of Business Letters
Most business letters have seven standard parts.
They are letterhead, reference and date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.
When appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included.
Attention line, subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon notation, mailing notation and postscript.

Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.
They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin the top of the page.
A business letterhead, usually printed, contains all or some of the following elements:
The company’s name , address, postcode, telephone number, telex number, fax number, the name of the officer or the director and even some picture or slogan for a symbol of the company.

Reference and Date
A typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading.
The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style.
It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year ( English Practice) or month /day /year (American practice).
Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations.

Inside Address
The inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.
The inside address of a letter to an indivial consists of the person’s courtesy title, name, business or executive title ( it should be used immediately after the name) and address.
When the letter is to a group, the inside address includes the full group name and the address.
Care should be taken to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope.

Salutation is placed at the left margin two lines below the inside address and two lines above the body of the letter.
Considered a polite greeting with which a friendly business letter begins, the personal salutation must be appropriate for the first line of the inside address.
If the letter is addressed to an indivial, It is usual to use:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Ms. John,
Dear Prof. Hobart,
Dear Dr. Walter,
The trend is towards Ms. As the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.
When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used.

Attention Line
An attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a company.
It is usually between the inside address and the salutation or above the inside address ,as shown in examples:
Attention: Import Dept.
For the attention of Mr. Donnan, Sales manager
Attention of Mr. Standard, General Manager.

Subject line
The subject heading is regarded as a part of the body of a business letter.
Usually it is in the upper case or initial capitals/underline and placed between the salutation and the body of a letter to call attention to what content the letter is about. For example:
Dear Ms. Smith,
Our Catalogue No.2,
Opening Sentence
The first paragraph of the body is introctory.
It will always begin with reference to the previous letter received and provide an introction to what will be discussed.
Here are examples as follows:
(1),Your letter of 9’’ September to our Beijing
(2),We refer to quotations of 8’’october and our mail offer of 1’’ December regarding the supply of Speedo swimming caps.
(3)We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of your binding application form for the 76’’ international Exhibition in March, 1998.
(4),We are pleased to inform you that the arrangements have now been made to ship the cotton underwear under your Order no.456.
(5), We regret up to the time of writing we have not heard anything from you about the shipment under the captioned contract.

Complimentary close
The complimentary close is simply a polite way to end a letter.
The expression for the complimentary close should match the salutation.
It appears in the middle of the page and two lines below the closing sentence for indented layout.
While it starts at the left-hand margin for fully blocked letters.
Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized.

The signature mainly consists of the addresser’s signature, he typed name of his and his business title.
Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead.
The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post follows immediately.
Signing on behalf of somebody else ,it is usual to write for pp or per pro before he letter.

Enc. Or Encs. Is typed two lines spaces after the signature of the address when something is sent along with the letter.
An enclosure can be anything in the envelope in addition to the message itself.
Examples are as follows: Enc.: 1 Price List
If the enclosed are more than on, the number should be marked.

When you find something forgotten to be included in the letter body before the envelope is to be sealed up.
You may state it after the signature in a postscript with a simple signature again.
The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible.
For examples: PS: the catalogue was sent to you on July 7th.

Section B Format of a Business letter
Full block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.
The former is now the most popular practice of displaying business letters.
Its remarkable feature is that all typing lines, including those for the date,
Inside name and address, salutation, subject heading, each message paragraph and complimentary close, begin at the left-hand margin.
Business letters with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuations, re paragraphed by equal line spaces.
For this letter-style the open punctuation pattern is used, the end of the date line, the inside address lines, the salutation, the complimentary close and the signature block lines are unpunctuated, but a comma is necessary between the day and year in the date line and the full stop is retained after the abbreviation such as company, Inc. and Ltd.
While the mixed punctuation pattern, the most welcomed style today, requires an absence of punctuation marks from the date line, the inside address lines and the signature block lines except a colon or comma after the salutation and the complimentary close.
Modified block form with indented paragraphs indented style is the traditional British practice with the heading usually in the middle and the date on the right-hand side.
The complimentary close may be in the center or commence at the center point. The mixed punctuation is often used.

Tel: (86-10) 67483650
Fax: (86-10) 67483651
4 February 1998
Resunic Trade Links
Regd Office Thriuvamkulam Cochin 678201
Kerata India
Dear sirs
We now have pleasure in receiving your letter dated 23th
May 1997
Yours sincerely
Project Manager
Encl. As stated

Section C Writing Rules for Business Letters
Business correspondence is still a basic activity involved in trade, and remain a very important form of communication even nowadays.
They deliver their companies’ images to the public.
Business letters are often an arrangement or regarded as evidence of a contract.
They are written for information exchange and bridge over the desires between buyers and sellers.
The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. They must be friendly and courteous.
We should bear in mind the point that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationships.
Generally speaking: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy.

Try to put yourself in his or her place to give consideration to his or her wishes , demands, interests and difficulties.
Find the best way to express your better understanding and present the message.
That enables a request to be refused without killing all hope of business or allows a refusal to do favor to be made without harming friendship.

Correctness means not only proper expressions with correct grammar , punctuation and spelling, but also appropriate tone which is a help to achieve the purpose.
It is likely to convey the real message in a way that will not cause offence even if it is a complaint or an answer to such a letter.
Business letters must be factual information accurate figures and exact terms in particular, for they involve the right, the ties and the interest of both sides often as the base of all kinds of documents.
Therefore we should not understate nor overstate as understatement might lead to less confidence and hold up the trade development. While overstatement throws you into an awkward position.

As you work hard for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind:
Why do you write the letter, what are the facts supporting the reasons, whether you have answered all the questions asked or not and what the reader is expected to do.

What the letter comes to should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract and general.
Take, for example, some qualities or characters of goods that should be shown with exact figures and avoid words like short, long or good.
Give specific time (with date ,month, year and even offer hour, minute if necessary).
But avoid expressions such as yesterday, next month , immediately and etc.

Conciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing clarity or courtesy.
A good business letter should be precise and to the point.
Single words are more efficient than phrases.
Wordy languages and rendancy require more time and money to type and to read.
They are not what modern business people want.

Keep constantly in mind what you want to say in your letter.
It is welcomed if you express yourself clearly and directly in the simplest language.
Plain, simple words are more easily understood.
A properly paragraphed message is required for the purpose of clarity.
For instance ,we use semimonthly instead of bimonthly for two times a moth., because bimonthly may mean both two times a month and once every two month.

Courtesy means to show tactfully in your letters the honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect.

Answer letters in good time and write to explain why if you fail to do it promptly.
Even if you don’t think the recipient is right, you should still respond tactfully and politely.
Sometimes it is a help to use you-attitude instead of I-attitude.


2. 英文商务书信的基本格式


1、 商务书信的格式(1) :齐头式



(3) 信件正文的段落之间:空一行


改良齐头式(modifiedblock style)结合了缩排式与齐头式的特点,它看起来跟缩排式很像,而最大的不同,就是在改良齐头式中:







1) 段落的第一行
2) 寄件人地址(return address)
3) 寄件日期(date)
4) 结尾敬辞(complimentaryclose)
5) 签名(signature)


① 段落的第一行要缩排

每个段落的首行都缩排,与正文的左边界距离 1.5 厘米左右;这是最常见的缩排距离,但是大于 3.5 厘米的缩排也有人用。不同的公司对于怎么缩排、缩排多少可能有不同的习惯。关键就是要前后一致,也就是每段缩排的距离都一样。要把段落缩排有几种可行的做法:

可以按一次tab 键

通常你会用 enter 键在段落之间多空一行,但是采用缩排式的商务书信,也可能在段落之间不空行。不过最重要的原则仍然是要前后一致。

② 商务书信中的其他部分缩排










商务信函书信是日常生活中常用的文体,是用以交涉事宜、传达信息、交流思想、联络感情、增进了解的重要工具。书信一般可分为商务信件或公函(Business Letter or Official Correspondence)和私人信件(Private Letter)两大类。

①对没有头衔的男性一般称呼 Mr.

②对女性一般称呼 Mrs., Madam 或 Miss。

③对收信人的称呼,也可用头衔或职位的名称,不分性别。例如 Professor (缩写为 Prof.),Doctor (缩写为 Dr.), General (缩写为 Gen.) 。这些称呼都放在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,如 Prof. (Phil)White等。

④对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可用 Gentlemen (而不是 Gentleman),Dear Sir (s)和 My dear Sir(s)等。Gentlemen 之前不能加 Dear, 后面也不能带姓名。用 Sirs 时,前面常用 Dear 一词,但也可单独用 Sir。若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独使用 Madam 或其复数 Mesdames。

⑤对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、公使和特使等,可用(Dear)Sir, (Dear)Mr. Chairman,(Dear)Mr. Premier, (My dear)Mr. Ambassador,Your Excellency (复数为 Excellencies)。

⑥对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可以 Sir 称呼,对女王、女皇和皇后等女性君主,可用 Madam 称呼。有时也用 Your Majesty 称呼以表示。客气和尊敬Your Majesty 可兼指男性和女性,其复数为 Your Majesties。

⑦对王室成员,如太子、王子、亲王和公主等,一般可用(Dear)Sir 或(Dear)Madam 但在正式尊称时,一般用 Your Highness (复数为 Highnesses)。

商务信函信的正文(Body of the Letter)
信的正文每段第一行应往右缩进约四五个字母。在写事务性信件时,正文一般开门见山,内容简单明了,条理清楚。在写私人信件时,信写好之后若有什么遗漏,可用 P. S.表示补叙。

商务信函结束语(Complimentary Close)

信末的签名一般低于结束语一二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写。若写信人是女性,与收信人又不相识,则一般在署名前用括号注上 Miss, Mrs.或 Ms.,以便对方回信时知道如何称呼。有的还有署名后写上自己的职称、职务或头衔

信件若有附件,应在左下角注明 Encl. 或 Enc.。若附件不止一个,则应写出2(或3,4,5等)Encls.

再启(Postscript, 缩写为 P. S.)





3. 急求商务邮件范文


We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours



Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.



We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your procts in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply.



Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would be rather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our procts at you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover to justify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the procts you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon.



Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified after sales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife.


4. 求助!!business letter该怎么写!! 只要detail就好!

to be honest,the requirements for the letter are neither clear nor precise. I would guess that you want to build a website to improve the logistic system while the construction of cafeteria and fitness facility creates much noise and st, disturbing normal study activities of the students. You wish politely to draw the attention from the school's administation to this matter and help you guys focus on your task.

You better elaborate what kind of help you want to have from the administration of the school

5. 外贸邮件范文


6. 英文商务信函范文








2、若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend;


7. 英语的商务信函怎么写谁有范文

The layout of letters

1.The top part of a business letter

日期:Date: 23 December 2007

地址:Mr. James Green

Sales manager


55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG

称谓:Dear Mr. Green (Dear Gentlemen, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam)

2.The body part of a business letter



3. Look at the two endings of business letter below. Notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.

(1)Please let me know if this is convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely,


Ms. Gillian Janes

Personnel Nanager

(2)Please phone us to confirm the details.

We look forward to receiving your comments.

Yours faithfully


for Ms. Gillian Jones

Personnel Manager

8. businessletter什么意思

business letter
英 [ˈbiznis ˈletə] 美来 [ˈbɪznɪs ˈlɛtɚ]

Send me a of this business letter.

Did you read the business letter I wrote, Lisa?

9. 麦肯锡的cover letter怎么写


Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am currently a third-year undergraate student in the ****. I am writing to apply for the McKinsey Scholar Program, which I learned about from my former professor, Michael Pettis .

During my first two years at Tsinghua, my mind has taken deep breath in Tsinghua's world-class academic environment and I have improved my knowledge structure by pursuing a degree which combines ****** with a ******** ecation. I developed my personality and leadership potential through various extracurricular activities and leadership positions. The following points briefly outline my four qualifications that might fit your expectations for a McKinsey Scholar.

* Outstanding Academic Achievement
My current GPA is *.** and I was awarded the ***** Academic Excellence Scholarship and the ******** Scholarship.

* A Combination of Local Knowledge and International Experience
While I consistently keep a close watch on all kinds of complex domestic issues, I have also gained eye-witness experiences of the international financial market through my six-week internship in **********. In addition, several ecational exchange programs have enabled me to listen to and interact with peers from different cultural and ecation background.

* Leadership, Strategic Thinking & Detail Oriented
My leadership positions in student government and the success of my Greater China business students exchange forum demonstrate that I am not only equipped with leadership vision, but also a practical ability to get things done .

* Excellent Presentation and Communication Skills
Through participation in several debating and English speech contests, I have sharpened my presentation skills. And through my previous experience as the director of external relations for the student union, I developed my interpersonal skills.

I would greatly appreciate a chance to demonstrate the dynamic part of myself through an interview . Should you have any questions, please fell free to reach me at 1380******* (mobile), (8610)5153**** (dorm) or by e-mail: *****@*****.tsinghua.e.cn. Thanks for your time and consideration.


10. 外贸英语函电范文

外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms,
Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.
外贸函电:回信(中文版) 尊敬的先生/小姐,
感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。 诚挚的
外贸函电:回复投诉(英文版) 20 May 2000 Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Dear Sirs:
Thank you for your letter of 20 May referring to your order no.252. We are glad to hear that the consignment was delivered promptly.
We regret, however, that case no.46 did not contain the goods you ordered. We have investigated the matter and find that we did make a mistake in putting the order together.
We have arranged for the correct goods to be dispatched to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready.
Please keep case no.46 and its contents until called for by our agents who have been informed of the situation.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller
外贸函电:回复投诉(中文版) ——先生:
错运的货物烦请代存,本公司已知会代理商,不日将与贵公司联络。 因此失误而引致任何不便,本公司深感歉意。

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