❶ 如何確定文獻類別
從廣義上來講,期刊的分類可以分為非正式期刊和正式期刊兩種。非正式期刊是指通過行政部門審核領取「內部報刊准印證」作為行業內部交流的期刊,一般只限行業內交流不公開發行,但也是合法期刊的一種,一般正式期刊都經歷過非正式期刊過程。正式期 刊由國家新聞出版署與國家科委在商定的數額內審批,並編入「國 內統一刊號」,辦刊申請比較嚴格,要有一定的辦刊實力,正式期刊 有獨立的辦刊方針。期刊具有出版周期短、報道速度快、數量大、信息內容新等特點,是很重要的信息源。
(1 )會前文獻包括徵文啟事、會議通知書、會議日程表、預印本和會前論文摘要等。
電子文獻又稱電子出版物。電子出版物是指以數字代碼方式將圖、文、聲、像等信息存儲在磁光電介質上,通過計算機或具有類似功能的設備閱讀使用,用以表達思想、普及知識和積累文化,並可復制發行的大眾傳播媒體。電子出版物的主要媒體形態有:軟磁碟、只讀光碟(CD-ROM )、互動式光碟(CD-I )、照片光碟(PHOTO-CD)、集成電路卡(ICCARD)等。它具有存儲量大,體積小,便於檢索、保管和共享等特點。
❷ 哪些期刊屬於省級期刊
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❹ 哪個期刊雜志比較容易發論文,而且相對較快的呢我有一篇關於核磁的還有gc-ms的
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❻ 國外sci期刊 ljccc網址
International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control [1841-9836]
獲取全文,請點擊: DOAJ開放獲取期刊指南
收錄起始年 2006
本刊收錄在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)
本刊收錄在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)
本刊收錄在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)
點擊: 查看SCI影響因子(2009)
提示: Impact Factor:0.373; 5-Year Impact Factor:
點擊: 查看SCI影響因子(2010)
提示: Impact Factor: 0.65 ; Rank: 5825
Submissions to IJCCC must represent original material.
Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another journal or conference. If it is determined that a paper has already appeared in anything more than a conference proceeding, or appears in or will appear in any other publication before the editorial process at IJCCC is completed, the paper will be automatically rejected.
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If any portion of your submission has previously appeared in or will appear in a conference proceeding, you should notify us at the time of submitting, make sure that the submission references the conference publication, and supply a of the conference version(s) to our office. Please also provide a brief description of the differences between the submitted manuscript and the preliminary version(s).
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The papers must be written in English. The first page of the paper must contain title of the paper, name of author(s), an abstract of about 300 words and 3-5 keywords.
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Please note:
1. Initial submission (manuscript for review):The manuscript can be write in LaTex by the IJCCC template OR in MS Word format with the following specifications: paper A4, font TNR 12p, single column. The manuscript must be uploaded online in PDF format only.
2. Final submission (accepted paper for publication): Checklist of documents which must be send by e-mail.
Completed right transfer form.
Source (input) files.
One LaTeX file for the text.
EPS files for figures �they must reside in a separate folder.
Final PDF file (for reference).
❼ Operations Research and Management Science是什麼期刊
Operations Research 運籌學研究,中國大陸學者發表到目前為止應該不超過10篇。
Management Science 管理科學,大陸學者目前發表不超過5篇,第一篇是海歸馬鐵駒教授在2011年還是2012年發表的,大致內容是將一個氣象模型改進到他的好像是關於人工學習的研究中。為此,國家自然科學基金委特地發來一封褒揚信恭喜馬教授以大陸單位為第一研究單位發表了第一篇MS,並詢問馬鐵駒教授目前的研究進展和工作狀況。Management Science到底多厲害,簡單來說,就是最優化理論和現實應用有重大創新和啟示的文章才能發表!線性規劃的單純形法就是發表在MS上的,由此深化了對線性優化的認識。前幾年,即使是國外教師在MS上發表2篇左右,都可以快一步晉升教授或終身教職,現在好像不太行了。總之,是管理科學界最膜拜的兩大最頂級期刊。