Ⅰ 於無聲處電視劇第一集馬東在英語角遇到馮書雅時唱的英文歌是什麼
Take Me Home, CountryRoad)
Ⅱ 於無聲處電視劇裡面有個戴眼鏡的男人和一個女人跳舞的時候有首英文歌曲是什麼名字呀。男的故意把包放到桌
Just One Last Dance - Sarah Connor,Marc Terenzi
Just one last dance
Oh baby just one last dance
We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
Tomorrow will come and it's time to realize
Our love has finished forever
How I wish to come with you
Wish to come with you
How I wish we make it through
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn
Round and round and round
It's like the first time
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
I'll never forget how romantic they are
But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
There's no way to come with you
It's the only way to do
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn
Round and round and round
It's like the first time
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn
Round and round and round
It's like the first time
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
Before we say goodbye
When we sway and turn
Round when we sway and
Turn round and hold me tight
Just one more chance
Hold me tight and keep me warm
Cause the night is the night is getting cold
And I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
Just one last dance, just one more chance
Just one more chance
Just one last dance
Ⅲ 於無聲處陳其乾和馮舒雅結婚時的插曲叫什麼
《在水一方》瓊瑤詞 林家慶曲
綠草蒼蒼,白霧茫茫, 有位佳人,在水一方. 綠草萋萋,白霧迷離, 有位佳人,靠水而居. 我願逆流而上, 依偎在她身旁. 無奈前有險灘, 道路又遠又長. 我願順流而下, 找尋她的方向. 卻見依下佛, 她在水的中央. 我願逆流而上, 與她輕言細語. 無奈前有險灘, 道路曲折無已. 我願順流而下, 找尋她的足跡. 卻見彷彿依稀, 她在水中佇立....
Ⅳ exo於無聲處的視頻,韓文背景音樂叫什麼
Ⅳ 想知道最近上映的電影百團大戰的片尾曲,第一句好像是於無聲處聽驚雷
Ⅵ 電視劇「於無聲處」的主題歌是誰唱的
Ⅶ 電影逆時針主題曲叫什麼
演 唱:高陽
作 詞:甘世佳,金華
作 曲:高陽
我們總是讓美麗風景 悄然溜走
如果我能夠 逆轉時光 或許很美
如果我還會 於無聲處落下眼淚
誰陪我到最後 誰牽著我的手
誰能夠陪我去看 海市蜃樓
一直到老去後 一直到傷口化成宇宙
簡單的事 卻總是最難被看透
我們總是讓美麗風景 悄然溜走
在花落的時候 在世界的盡頭
每個人都有一個 想念理由
她會在老去後 回憶時光逆轉的時候
才會發現 愛情 最美的等候
誰陪我到最後 誰牽著我的手
誰能夠陪我去看 海市蜃樓
一直到老去後 一直到傷口化成宇宙
簡單的事 卻總是最難被看透
誰陪我到最後 誰牽著我的手
誰能夠陪我去看 海市蜃樓
一直到老去後 一直到傷口化成宇宙
簡單的事 卻總是最難被看透
直到她老去後 把所有傷口漸漸看透
才會發現 我始終在你 背後