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『貳』 求一篇機械類的英語論文及翻譯
IntroctionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique.However, machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at recing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass proction.For these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical control.Some feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.
『叄』 機械專業論文英語翻譯 高分急求~!
滾珠絲杠傳動中最常用的高速加工機床,因為他們的高剛度,它允許精確定位的工具,切削力。帶寬的環路是一種重要的因素,而設計的控制器? uences高速定位精度。帶寬可擴大了增加反饋收益,直到結構諧振所激動。此外,非線性行為的存儲卡螺母和干擾,如外部切削力、非線性摩擦、轉矩波動影響運動精度。在這篇文章中,由於結構振動問題,非線性摩擦、轉矩波動,和其他外部干擾都在一個系統化的方式。
『肆』 有誰有 機械類英語小論文(英文)
『伍』 我想要一篇關於機械類的英文文章,5000字左右,用來畢業英譯中,專業性強點兒的,老師事兒媽,謝謝各位啦~
http://fccr.ucsd.e/pubs/B09.pdf 這就是論文了
http://fccr.ucsd.e/pubs/BB08b.pdf 這是第二篇
『陸』 急求一篇機械類英文論文,英文5000字以上,要有中文翻譯呀,急急急!~~~~~
中國是世界上機械發展最早的國家之一。中國的機械工程技術不但歷史悠久,而且成就十分輝煌,不僅對中國的物質文化和社會經濟的發展起到了重要的促進作用,而且對世界技術文明的進步做出了重大貢獻.傳統機械方面,我國在很長一段時期內都領先於世界。到了近代由於特別是從18世紀初到19世紀40年代,由於經濟社會等諸多原因,我國的機械行業發展停滯不前,在這100多年的時間里正是西方資產階級政治革命和產業革命時期,機械科學技術飛速發展,遠遠超過了中國的水平。這樣,中國機械的發展水平與西方的差距急劇拉大,到十九世紀中期已經落後西方一百多年。 新中國建立後特別是近三十年來,我國的機械科學技術發展速度很快。向機械產品大型化,精密化、自動化和成套化的趨勢發展。在有些方面已經達到或超過了世界先進水平。總的來說,就目前而言中國機械科學技術的成就是巨大的,發展速度之快,水平之高也是前所未有的。這一時期還沒有結束,我國的機械科學技術還將向更高的水平發展。只要我們能夠採取正確的方針、政策、用好科技發展規律並勇於創新,我國的機械工業和機械科技一定能夠振興,重新引領世界機械工業發展潮流。 就小型夯實機械而言: 上世紀60年代以前,我國小型夯實機械非常缺乏,很多小型場地的夯實基本上採用人工夯實。 上世紀60年代初期,長沙建設機械研究所與北京建築工程學院等單位合作,在群眾性技術革新成果的基礎上總結發明了具有中國特色的蛙式夯實機,1962年獲國家科技發明獎。蛙式夯實機結構簡單,維修、使用方便,很快成為我國60年代夯實機械的主導產品。據不完全統計蛙式夯實機累計產量達到50000多台,在我國經濟建設中發揮了重要作用。70年代以後,蛙式夯實機逐漸被性能更先進的振動沖擊夯和振動平板夯所替代,目前蛙式夯實機已經很少,基本被淘汰。 1964年,長沙建設機械研究所開發了HB120型內燃式夯實機,開始由上海工程機械廠生產,後來主要由津市洞庭工程機械廠生產,年產量200台左右。80年代,內燃式夯實機產品質量有較大提高,曾出口東南亞和非洲地區。90年代以後,內燃式夯實機產銷售量也在逐漸減少,目前只有少數小型民營企業生產。 1977年,長沙建設機械研究所和柳州市建築機械廠開發了我國第一台HZR250型和HZR70型振動平板夯,這兩種產品分別於1979 年和1982年通過了由建設部組織的鑒定。隨後義烏建築機械廠、四平建築機械廠、安陽振動器廠、津市洞庭工程機械廠等多家企業都開始生產振動平板夯。1986年長沙建設機械研究所又開發了較大的HZR450型振動平板夯。上世紀90年代以後,振動平板夯在我國有了較快的發展,產品品種、規格和生產企業增多,國外的振動平板夯陸續進入中國市場。 1983年,長沙建設機械研究所和湖北振動器廠聯合開發了我國第一台HZR70型振動沖擊夯,1984年通過了由建設部組織的鑒定,1985年獲建設部科技進步三等獎。由於振動沖擊夯具有壓實效果好、生產率高、體積和重量小、輕便靈活等突出特點,深受用戶歡迎,得到了迅速的推廣使用,並很快發展到資江機器廠、新鄉第三機床廠和津市洞庭工程機械廠等幾十家企業生產。振動沖擊夯雖然比振動平板夯開發晚,但發展速度、產銷量和使用廣泛性比振動平板夯大得多,目前已成為我國夯實機械中產銷量最大的主導產品。上世紀90年代以後,國外的振動平板夯陸續進入中國市場。 振動沖擊夯和振動平板夯在我國的成功開發,不僅為我國建設施工部門提供了性能先進的夯實機械,取得了良好的經濟效益和社會效益,而且使我國夯實機械技術向前跨進了一大步,縮短了與世界先進水平的差距,促進了我國壓實機械的發展。 就機械加工而言: 熱加工 鑄造 據考古發現,在北京平谷、昌平、房山等處曾出土了公元前16世紀(商代)的青銅禮器。 明永樂年間(1403~1424年),北京製造出享譽世界的明永樂大銅鍾(46.5噸)和鍾樓大銅鍾(63噸)及鐵鍾(25噸),採用分爐熔化、地坑造型和陶范法鑄造。 20世紀50年代以前,北京在鑄造上採用粘土砂手工造型。1955年,北京第一機床廠開始採用漏模造型、雙面模型型板及鐵型板和標准砂箱造型。1965年,開始採用塑料模型。 1980 年,北京市機電研究院與北京瑪鋼廠研製成功工頻無芯塞桿底注式保溫澆注電爐。1982年,該院與北京機床鑄
『柒』 求一篇機械方面的英文論文3000字
Dedicated to the single screw compressor machine updated the Introction
Abstract: This paper describes four areas from the existing single-screw machine layout and structure, and put out the advantages and disadvantages of the list, because of the compressor plant single-screw machine tools and machine tool external Security information, the above introction there is inevitably one-sided and wrong, and are therefore single-screw compressor for the proction of reference works.
First, introce the layout of machine tools
Decide the size of the compressor displacement of the stars round, screw diameter, mesh size and the size of the center distance, so different in diameter screw, machine tool spindle and the rotary center are also different. To meet the processing of different diameter screw, single screw Currently the layout of machine tools in general there are several options.
The first is: machine tool rotary tool spindle center and the center distance for the fixed
Machine tool rotary tool spindle center and the center distance for the fixed, can not adjust the center distance. Processing of several of the screw diameter on the center distance required several different specifications of the machine.
Advantages: simple structure of the machine.
Disadvantage: each machine can only process a specification of the screw, when the market on a certain specification requirements when the screw compressor, resulting in a machine, other machine idle.
The second: the machine tool spindle box for rotary
Processing screw machine according to the size of the diameter at the processing before a point of rotating spindle box. Spindle box that the machine can turn on a machine at the above-mentioned article on the use of the improvements, with the first structure of a machine tool is basically the same.
Advantages: the structure of machine tool easy to adapt to a variety of specifications of the processing screw.
One disadvantage: after the rotating spindle box and the tool spindle turning center line distance between the center line of accurate measurement difficult.
2 disadvantage: after the rotating spindle spindle box and the front surface of the rotary cutter centerline distance between the rection of the larger diameter of the screw processing is limited.
The third: the machine tool spindle box for horizontal mobile
Box at the bottom of the spindle and the base there is arranged between the rectangular sliding rail, spindle box perpendicular to the direction of movement of spindle centerline and perpendicular to the centerline of the tool rotation. Through the power of the spindle box spline shaft to the base of the tool feed mechanism.
Screw diameter, according to the size of the processing in the processing of the previous round by hand to the body put into the screw spindle box moved to the appropriate location, and then screw the spindle box on a fixed base. Spindle box available from the mobile Grating detection, position error ± 0.005mm.
Horizontal spindle box can be used as a mobile machine can process diameter φ95 ~ φ385mm any kind between the screw specifications.
Φ95 ~ φ385mm processing because of the diameter of the screw, causing the front surface and the tool spindle rotation the distance between the center line of the margin is too large, the actual application in the design specifications of the machine into two, a φ95 ~ φ205mm machine screw diameter Another φ180 ~ φ385mm machine screw diameter.
Advantages: a variety of tools to adapt to the specifications of the processing screw, each screw specifications need not be provided with the appropriate machine tools.
Disadvantage: the structure of machine tools and machine tool assembly of the two kinds of more complex machine tools, machine tools than the cost of two kinds of machine tools before the high.
Second, introce the structure of machine tool spindle
The level of machine tool spindle box on the main axis and the base of the vertical axis determines the degree of precision was the precision screw machining, at the same time screw compressor at a speed of thousands of high-speed rotary switch, the accuracy of the screw will be less so that the compressor have a fever, vibration, low efficiency, such as wear and tear situation quickly.
Currently available single-screw machine spindle structure of the program has the following two.
The first is: bearing radial clearance is not adjustable spindle structure
Before spindle bearing out the use of one pairs of cylindrical roller bearings and thrust ball bearing combination of both, the main use of double row cylindrical roller bearings under radial cutting force, the use of two ball bearings to bear axial thrust cutting force.
After the general adoption of the spindle bearings out one pairs of cylindrical roller bearings or a ball bearing to the heart.
Main advantages of this structure: the main axis of the processing and assembly of simple, low cost.
One disadvantage: because the main axis of the radial bearing clearance can not be adjusted so poor precision spindle. Although the use of bearings and shaft diameter fit to eliminate the radial bearing clearance, but each bearing diameter and radial clearance is not a fixed value, so it is difficult to design and processing to the quasi-axial-radial and bearings with bore tolerances.
2 disadvantage: it is very difficult to buy in the market of domestically proced or imported, C, D or P4, P5 class thrust ball bearings, machine tool manufacturing plant commonly used alternative to the use of ordinary class bearings, which also affected the accuracy of the enhance spindle.
Bearing radial clearance adjustable spindle structure do not apply to the general accuracy of the general machine tools, does not apply to require a higher accuracy of the spindle of machine tools.
The second: the radial bearing clearance adjustable spindle structure
Before the adoption of a spindle bearing P4 class of double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings and a P4-class double row ball bearing thrust to the combination of heart. The use of the spindle hole of the double row tapered cylindrical roller bearings under radial cutting force, the use of double row ball bearing thrust to the heart to bear part of the axial and radial cutting force cutting force.
Spindle bearings generally used after a P5 class of double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings.
Double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings with inner ring and shaft are tapered 1:12, bearing lock nut with a round led a bearing in the axial displacement of the inner ring bearings and expansion, to rece or eliminate Bearing radial clearance purposes.
Main structure of such advantages: high precision spindle. At the front spindle diameter φ230mm noodle on the end measuring spindle Beat value of 0.010mm. Φ230mm cylindrical spindle at the front end on the radial axis measurement value of Beat 0.005mm. The second structure of the spindle of a precision spindle accuracy than the first about 50% improve.
Main disadvantage of this structure:
The principal axis of the more complicated process, the spindle assembly also has the experience necessary to make the workers to operate the spindle achieve the desired numerical accuracy.
Third, the depth of the tool feed control
Required different processing screw diameter spiral groove depth is also different from the depth of the spiral groove mm from dozens to more than 100 millimeters range around the tool into the institutions required to feed the thousands of ring rotation in order to achieve a screw machining .
Feed because of the tool in the tool rotating at the same time achieve motion feed, so on a number of general machine tools used in mechanical, electrical control method of depth of cut does not apply to single-screw machine.
Single screw machine tools give agencies into the following different methods can be feed to control the depth of purpose.
The first is: friction clutch and electrical switches to control the depth of the tool feed
Its principle is to control depth of cut increases the tool cutter feed mechanism increases the load torque so that the tool feeding mechanism of the friction transmission chain slipping clutch, a mechanical linkage concurrent silent trigger electrical switches, optical signal prompted operator, when manual operator to disconnect the tool into the power sector.
The advantages of this control method are: the control method is simple and spare parts processing and operational power from the impact of a sudden.
Disadvantage are: processing of different diameter screw to adjust the clutch friction discs pressed the preload spring.
Material because of the density of each screw, and the hardness of the existence of subtle differences in the degree of cutting tools sharp differences exist, thus the accuracy of this control method was not too accurate, may lead to screw spiral groove depth tolerance is too large.
The second: use of an electromagnetic clutch, encoder control tool into the mix to the depth of
Tool feed system, equipped with electromagnetic clutch and a tool for detecting the number of rotating ring gear and a gun encoder.
It is a tool of control principle剛接觸hand screw surface encoder to start counting switch, then start counting counting device, when the rotary tool to pre-set number of laps when the cutting depth is reached, the electromagnetic clutch automatic off open to the power tool into the concurrent silent, optical signal parts prompted the operator has finished processing.
The detection device through the digital display shows the number of feed circles or feed. Torn off and the electromagnetic clutch, the tool does not only into the rotation with the vertical shaft to the sport.
The advantages of this control method are: the depth of the spiral groove screw tolerance control more accurate, because of several significant table shows the depth of processing, or want a few laps and the depth of processing or circle the number of operations is also very intuitive and user-friendly.
Disadvantage are: electrical control of machine tools at the same time more complex parts of this control method at the processing plant, if a sudden power failure, the prior data set will be lost.
If you add in the electrical control of the battery to power at the early-dimensional detection devices to maintain the job, the problem can be resolved.
Four, the control gear drive space
Single screw machine screw in the processing, e to the spiral groove in the rotary tool and the workpiece rotation to complete the synthesis process. Just cut into the workpiece when the tool in the tangential direction of rotation has been going on a greater resistance knife, cutting tool at the workpiece to be cut when the role of the spiral groove, the tool in the tangential direction of rotation has been going up against a smaller knife and even by the spiral groove thrust workpiece.
Because there is a box-hole processing machine tool, gear and other processing error, the tool axis of rotation of the drive space is too large, large amount of so-called open.
Detect drive way too much space is a fixed power input shaft and output shaft rotation shaking, in the case of the transmission structure of conventional design and manufacture of machine tools, the transmission output shaft angle space at more than ten degrees to the dozens of degrees. Transmission gap caused by too large spiral screw groove surface then there is obvious marks, thus affecting the machining accuracy of the screw.
Upon completion of the assembly machine tool axis of rotation of the drive space is too large, in fact are subject to various errors gear, creating a backlash of the gear is too large.
Machine tools in the mechanical transmission gear are used regardless of the accuracy of a few of the class, the designers take into account the gear manufacturing error, processing error box center distance, temperature, lubricating oil film thickness, the assembly error and other factors, machine design must ensure that transmission gear A certain amount of backlash, backlash decide the size of the gear tooth thickness tolerance size.
Single-screw machine has the Main Drive from other machine tool structure specificity. In order to rece transmission or reasonable gap single-screw machine tools currently used by the following two ways.
The first is: the installation at the output shaft brake
Tool at the output shaft rotating the location of cylindrical symmetry with radial brake, brake stand up to the tool front-end of the cylindrical rotary output shaft, brake for spring preload.
The working principle of the brake is generated by the friction brake to increase the output shaft damping, recing the sensitivity of the rotation axis.
Are: brake and easy does not change the structure of the original machine tool structure, the method of indirect rection to achieve the purpose of drive space, in practical applications there is a certain effect.
One disadvantage: the pre-spring brake tool because of the cylindrical output shaft to exert a greater radial force, in fact increases the load machine torque, resulting in increased motor power at the same time gears, bearings to accelerate wear and tear.
Disadvantage 2: pre-spring brake because of the output shaft of the cylindrical tool to exert a greater radial force on the possible geometry of the tool output shaft a negative impact on accuracy.
Conclusion: This article describes four areas from existing single-screw machine layout and structure, and put out the advantages and disadvantages of the list, because of the compressor plant single-screw machine tools and machine tool external Security information, the above introction there is inevitably one-sided and wrong, and are therefore single-screw compressor for the proction of reference works.
『捌』 誰有機械論文(英文版)
The multi-motor drive
The present invention concerns a drive for an escalator, which drives the stair belt and is arranged on one or both sides of the escalator at the upper and/or the lower end thereof, wherein the drive comprises a main drive wheel and at least one motor with gear and brake components.
Different dispositions and constructional principles are known for escalator drives. Since the drive must be designed for the maximally occurring load, a relatively large and strongly dimensioned motor with a corresponding gear is necessary. Poor efficiency at the mostly prevailing partial load and the large installation volume in the case of limited space availability within an escalator construction are disadvantages of such a drive.
These disadvantages are present to a lesser degree or not at all with multi-motor drives. Such a drive for escalators and walkways, which comprises two indivial drives or two twin drives, the output gearwheels of which drive the stair chain or the plate chain and, by way of an additional gear, the handrail, is known from DE 35 26 905.
Such a construction is executed in different variants and correspondingly comprises a number of different gears and gear housings for the stair chain drive or the plate chain drive. Furthermore, the indivial drives are equipped with planetary gears, which causes relatively high costs.
The object of the present invention is to create an improved multi-motor drive for escalators, which can be implemented at favorable costs, which may be built up in a molar manner, and which covers a usual performance range.
The drive according to the present invention distinguishes itself by several constructionally identical drive units being mountable distributed at the circumference of a main drive wheel, whereby the main drive wheel or its toothing need be dimensioned only for loading by a single drive unit. The main drive wheel itself thus can have a smaller width, which is of great advantage for the accommodation of the drive parts in the case of an escalator.
The drive units, in a number corresponding with power requirements, may be flange-mounted to a main gear housing identical for all performance classes. This simplifies the proction process for the entire constructional series, reces the inventory and facilitates maintenance and repairs.
The drive units are provided with torque transmitters and/or rotational speed transmitters for recognition of their mechanical loading.
Each of the drive units can furthermore be provided with a clutch which makes a selectable switching-in or switching-out of a drive unit possible.
The drive further comprises a frequency-setting device which is common to all drive units and by means of which different speeds can be set and which also serves as a starting aid. A control and regulating unit proces corresponding control and regulating commands by the processing of incoming data. The control and regulating unit causes the switching-in and switching-out of indivial drive units on the basis of actual load data from the torque transmitters, which helps to improve the electrical and mechanical efficiency and thus also reces the energy consumption.
The use of polyphase alternating current squirrel-cage motors of variable frequency and their associated control has the advantage that high torques can be proced at low rotational speeds.
The invention is explained more closely in the following with the aid of an illustrative example of an embodiment thereof and is illustrated in the accompanying drawings, wherein:
FIG. 1 shows an escalator with a drive according to the invention at the upper end of the escalator;
FIG. 2 shows the drive with drive units flange-mounted on a main gear transversely to the direction of travel of the escalator;
FIG. 3 shows the drive with drive units flange-mounted on a main gear longitudinally of the direction of travel of the escalator;
FIG. 4 shows a three-dimensional illustration of the drive arrangement according to FIG. 2;
FIG. 5 shows a three-dimensional illustration of the drive arrangement according to FIG. 3; and
FIG. 6 shows a block schematic diagram and functional diagram of the drive with all associated components.
FIG. 1 shows an escalator 1 with an upper end 2, below which drive units denoted by 7 and a part of a stair chain 3 are visible.
FIG. 2 shows the details of a drive, which is installed within a carrying structure 9 at the upper end 2 of the escalator 1. Three identically constructed drive units 7 drive a toothed main drive wheel 6 by way of an output gearwheel 7.6 and an intermediate gearwheel 21, and are arranged and distributed about the circumference of the main drive wheel 6. The main drive wheel 6, together with a stair chain wheel 5, are fastened on the main shaft 4 of the drive. The drive units 7 are firmly connected to a main gear housing 8 at three planar flange-connecting openings 24 formed for this purpose. When less than three drive units 7 are needed, the unused flange-connecting opening 24 may be closed by a cover and the associated intermediate gearwheel 21 is not inserted. With this construction, the same main gear housing 8 can always be used for one, two or three needed drive units 7. The axles of the drive units 7 are arranged transversely to the direction of movement of the escalator 1, which yields the advantage of a short machine room.
As example of a variant, FIG. 3 shows an arrangement of the drive units 7 parallel to the direction of movement of the escalator 1. In this manner of arrangement, the drive units 7 additionally comprise a bevel gear 7.3. Motor 7.1, clutch 7.2, brake 7.4, flywheel 7.5 and the output gearwheel 7.6, which are otherwise constructionally identical with and incorporated in the drive units 7 of FIG. 2, are present for each drive unit 7. The main gear housing 8 is likewise always the same for one, two or three drive units 7 and unused flange-connecting openings 24 can likewise be covered by a cover.
FIG. 4 is a spatial illustration of the drive according to FIG. 2 within the carrying structure 9 of the escalator 1. Two stair elements 22 are illustrated in addition to the elements shown in the preceding illustrations.
FIG. 5 is a similar spatial illustration of the drive according to FIG. 3 within the carrying structure 9 of escalator 1. The two stair elements 22 are likewise additionally shown.
The function and operation of the multi-motor drive according to the invention is to be explained more closely in the following by reference to FIG. 6. The current supply of the drive takes place as usual from local three-phase current mains 13 with phases R, S and T which are led to a main switch 14. Following thereon, the entire drive is connected through a main relay or several relays 15. There then follows a frequency-setting device 16, which by way of a relay control 23 with the relays S1, S2 to Sn feeds the motors 7.1 (M1, M2 to Mn) of the drive moles 7 at a variable frequency current and direction of rotation as provided by the frequency-setting device 16. The motors M1, M2 to Mn are, as already shown and described in the preceding, operatively connected with the main drive wheel 6 by way of gears 7.3 and output gearwheels 7.6 and intermediate gearwheels 21, which are not further illustrated here. Torque transmitters 20 (L1, L2 to Ln) for the purpose of the measurement of the actual mechanical loading of the motors M1, M2 to Mn are installed at a suitable place in the transmission between the motors M1, M2 to Mn as known in the art. The main gear wheel 6 drives a speed transmitter 19 by way of an appropriate known transmission, which similarly is not more closely illustrated.
A control and regulating unit 10 contains microprocessor and relay control components, as well as signal and data inputs and outputs. First input data line 18.1 supplies speed values from the speed transmitter 19, which are fed as actual values to an internal regulating section. The second group of input data lines 18.2 provide measurement values from the torque transmitters 20 and, through appropriate processing, cause the switching-in and switching-out of indivial drive moles 7. A third group of input data lines 18.3 supplies data from transmitters 11, which essentially concern control safety contacts and mode of operation switches. A first group of output data lines 17.1 leads to the relays 15 and to the frequency-setting device 16. A second group of output data lines 17.2 contain control signals for the relay control 23, and the third group of output data lines 17.3 provides the data to control optical signals and illumination 12.
The multi-motor drive according to the invention functions as following:
During starting-up of the escalator 1, the relay 15 for the drive is switched on, the frequency-setting device 16 is run up and at least one drive mole 7 is switched on by way of the relay control 23 by the control and regulating unit 10 according to the choice of direction and a start-up program. On reaching the target speed, the drive regulation in the control and regulating unit 10 holds the speed of travel of the escalator 1 constant within close limits independently of the load. During the now following operation of the escalator 1, the input data lines 18.2 from the torque transmitters 20 supply information about the mechanical loading of the switched-in drive moles 7 (motors M1, M2 to Mn).
In the case of low or no loading by transported persons, the drive power of the first motor M1 may suffice, and the further motors M2 to Mn remain switched off. If a full loading with a tendency to lasting overload is signalled by the torque transmitter L1, the next motor M2 is switched on after a defined time. The signals from the two torque transmitters L1 and L2 are now monitored in the control and regulating unit 10 and a further, not illustrated motor M3 may be switched in according to analog criteria when the load limit values of the motors M1 and M2 are exceeded. The third motor, denoted by Mn in the illustration, is to indicate that, in principle, a greater number of drive moles 7 can be provided. For practical and economic reasons, however, the number of drive moles 7 will probably remain restricted to three or at most four.
The procere is reversed when the mechanical loading drops. The no longer needed motors 7.1 are then switched off in the sequence beginning with the motor Mn switched on last. If a uniform wear of the drive moles 7 is desired, this can be taken into consideration by way of an additional measurement of the switched-on times of the indivial drive moles 7 and the indivial drive moles 7 can thus be switched on and off selectably and not according to an always identical sequence.
As already mentioned, the number of the drive moles 7 is not limited to the illustrated three items. Drive moles 7 proced in large quantities can be very favorable in price, so that it could be feasible to provide a greater number, for example 4 to 6, drive moles 7. With appropriately adapted control programs in the control and regulating unit 10, the greater amount of data resulting therefrom can be processed without problems.
The use of direct current motors for the drive moles 7 is also possible in principle with appropriately-adapted control and regulating techniques as known in the art. Alternating current motors with squirrel cage armatures are preferably used because of their simple mode of construction and ease of service. Moreover, efficient and likewise cheap frequency-setting devices or frequency converters are available.
Normal spur gearwheels, by means of which an optimum mechanical efficiency is achieved, may be used for the drive arrangement according to FIG. 2. Cone wheel gears, by means of which a practically equal efficiency is achieved by comparison with spur gearwheels, are advantageously used as bevel gears 7.3 for the drive arrangement according to FIG. 3.
The main gear housing 8 can be so constructed that both drive arrangements, those according to FIG. 2 as well as those according to FIG. 3, can be realized. The main drive housing 8 then correspondingly has twice as many flange-connecting openings 24. The intermediate gearwheels 21 can be the same at the same position for both drive arrangements.
The drive arrangement according to the invention can also be used for other kinds of conveying equipment, for example for walkways and mercalators in horizontal and oblique construction.
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