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㈠ 托福口語考試時候,reading材料看完之後會不會消失


㈡ 托福口語素材之上大學前該不該做兼職

In my opinion, every student should do a part-time job or apply for a summer intern before graate. Firstly, During the intern, we can learn a lot of things much more practical than what we learn in school. For example, a student of finance will put in many efforts in math while studying in school, but ring the intern he/she will find the math formulas could do little help. Besides, we can check if we are really fit for the job we dreamed. Take me for instance, I dreamed to be a sales clerk in the supermarket when I was still a child. But when I really work as a sales cleark as my summer intern I found the work was tedious and tired.

㈢ 托福口語素材庫該怎樣積累

about one custom or tradition from the past that young people no longer
follow in your country. Describe this custom or tradition and give
specific reasons.
Describe one occasion in your country when
people should exchange presents. What is the occasion and what gift you
like to choose?
If a foreign friend is coming to your city, what would you suggest him to take away with him. Explain why.
Talk about one national celebration that is the most memorable to you. Please include details and examples in your response.
年先說咱們最大規模的national celebration,也是覆蓋的題目范圍最廣的例子,那就是咱們的春節,第一個我們需要補充的元素,便是「年」。
01雞年是year of chicken么?
公雞,雞年就是the year of the rooster 啦。雖然公雞給人傲慢 cocky (/ˈkɑki / adj. 目中無人的,傲慢的
從剛才「雞年」的表述來看,我們已經發現了一些生肖年的描述規律,就是: the year of the + 動物。
那麼我們的「生肖」理論和「十二生肖」分別翻譯成:the Chinese zodiac ; 12 animal signs
問別人屬什麼?What』s your Chinese zodiac? / What』s your animal? / What』s your animal year?
回答別人你的屬相?I am a dog. / I am a pig./I am a rooster. 嚴肅臉,沒耍你們,所以給出這個答案是有語境的,別瞎回答昂~
描述拜年這個現象可以說: Chinese New Year blessings./ Chinese New Year greetings./ Chinese New Year wishes.
雞年大吉 Wish you huge blessings in the year of the rooster!
恭喜發財 Wish you wealth and prosperity!
步步高升 May every step take you higher!
萬事如意 Wish everything goes smoothly!
笑口常開 Wish you a year full of smiles and laughters!
五福臨門 Wish the five blessings come to you!
長壽 Longevity
富貴 Wealth/ Fortune
康寧 Health / Soundness
好德 Virtue
善終 Cycle of life
紅iPhone出了大紅色,很多愛過寶寶會妄意是跪舔我大天朝,其實不然啦,人家是一直有red ribbon的這個項目在。但是想到紅色,大家還是會立刻聯想到中國紅,那麼:
01Why red?
Because the color red represents good luck and happiness. 因為紅色代表好運和幸福。
在西方,紅色常和激烈的情緒連系在一起,尤其是負面的,比如:Danger: 危險; Anger: 憤怒; In the red: 虧損(股指一片紅在中國是漲,在美國卻是跌)
01Why do you serve mplings? 餃子?
Dumplings are a similar shape to ancient silver and gold pieces, so when you eat them, it』s like you』re taking in wealth.
02Why do you serve fish?
The Chinese word for fish is a homonym for the word 「surplus」.
元寶 ancient silver and gold pieces
財富 wealth
同音異義詞 homonym
富餘 surplus

㈣ 電影《美國往事》里有哪些可用的托福口語素材

And that would get me through it all.you know how important that was to me?
turning over in the grave. they do it every time.don't worry. a pansy he ain't.
you boys caught me with my pants down that time.no, we caught you with your schmuck in a minor.
4.人生何其妙,如是而已 其實也不是什麼大事
life is stranger than shit, that's all. it's a pisser. no big story.
5.我真不敢相信 我的第一次是個爛條子替我付錢
i can't believe it. my first time, and a lousy cop's paying for it.
6.今晚我們喝下的不只是酒還有我們十年的歲月 十年,不虛此行
there's more onboard tonight than just booze.it's 10 years of our lives. ten years that were really worth living.
7.她將要得到他的第一個吻 奪去我天堂中無上的快樂
and spend that kiss which is my heaven to have.
8.情同手足的朋友 為紀念永恆的回憶而立
your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword.
when you've been betrayed by a friend, you hit back.
better off than being dead.
it's ture, i have killed people, mr. ley. sometime to defend myself. sometimes for money. and many people used to come to us. business partners, rivals, lovers...some of the jobs we took, and some we didn't. yours is one we would never touch.
12.不準你這么說 不準你再這么說我
don't you ever say that to me. don't ever say that to me again!
ends justify means in decisive gangland encounter

㈤ 托福口語素材:為什麼要讀書


Which do you like to read, magazines, novels or poems? And why? (06. 2.3; 06.10.28; 07. 1.6考題)

Sample answer:

I prefer magazines to fictions or poems, especially monthly magazines 'cause they are like colorful flowers in a garden.They are good in some way and fill current trends and demands in different ways.

My definition of a good magazine is one that doesn't just stick to the same writers and trends. The presentation, theme, and subjects should vary to grab the interest of readers. And a magazine should be a place where new writers can blossom. I would like to see more magazine stories and features on the new generation of writers and I hope to read more about new trends and new ideas. I read five or six magazines per month and I buy two magazines regularly---fashion and beauty magazines, 'cause they are worth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beauty tips. Sometimes the personality profiles(個人檔案/簡介)of successful business icons(這里指"人物")are also fun to read.

㈥ 托福口語讀什麼材料好



















TOEFL IBT口語必備詞彙&造句匯總(pdf)

㈦ 托福口語素材:父母怎樣讓孩子擁有健康的生活習慣

making healthy foods can help! unhealthy food choices are made simply just because fast foods are quick and convenient. It is much easier to rip open a bag of chips and chug down a soda when hungry, than it is to cut up vegetables and prepare a healthy dip. For this reason, parents can influence their teens' food choices by making healthy foods, second,Limit TV, video game and computer time - These habits lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive snacking, which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease.

㈧ 托福口語材料用於跟讀合適嗎怎麼理解呢





  1. 隨時隨地練習口語。有目的地去選擇說的材料,開始練習「自言自語法」時,筆者建議你認真選擇所說材料。開始時,你可以練習復述小故事,語言應盡量生動、的簡練,有明確的情節,這樣可以幫助你更好地把握語言的連貫性。

  2. 語音模仿練習,提高發音的准確性;平時可多看英美劇,增添語感。

  3. 以表達清晰為主,句型多樣化位次。

  4. 透過肢體語言理解對方的意思並做出回應,。

  5. 遇到不知道該如何表達的時候,用一些常用的詞語表示自己正在思考。

  6. 語速不宜過快,說話時盡量放鬆,讓發音流暢順利。

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