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發布時間: 2021-03-29 20:20:16

① 關於光伏發電的論文


② 請高手幫忙翻譯一下光伏方面的摘要,多謝啦!

2 KWP solar photovoltaic system design is our new company in the field of photovoltaic power generation in a typical case, achieved a solar photovoltaic lighting for the construction of villas electricity, and cloudy days by the exchange grid supplementary functions. Because of the shortage of energy resources, improve the public awareness of environmental protection, solar photovoltaic power as a clean and sustainable energy vigorously advocated by the government. The focus of the design is in accordance with the load combination of the characteristics and requirements of local latitude, solar radiation, temperature and other environmental geography and climate information for optimizing design on the ground to meet the annual minimum volume of solar radiation inclined to maximize the best angle and Array distance; photovoltaic array design; photovoltaic array and battery subsystem match between the design, control system and inverter systems principle, Selection.

Keywords: photovoltaic solar radiation in the best angle photovoltaic power generation load Lineup

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