⑴ 在哪裡可以紙業免費求購
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⑷ :求購 紙 渡鋁紙 之類的 貌似迷信紙 大概金銀卡紙。。。
⑸ 求購2000年前的印刷紙張
⑹ 外貿求購函範本
Dear Sirs,
In regard to your letter of April 25, enclosed please find a report from one of our users on Coal Cleaning Equipment.
We hope that the report will offer you the necessary information. If there are any questions concerning the operation and service of the equipment, just let us know. We await your response with keen interest.
Yours sincerely
Dear Sirs
May we have a of your brochures concerning the meeting, which was held on July 10, 2006, for announcing projects on instrial development in the Northwest China.
Yesterday's China Daily included an article about the meeting. Some thoughts and plans were presented on the electronic and water-treatment fields. We would appreciate more details than those printed in the paper.
It would be most helpful if you could send us all the necessary information. We are sure it will be benefited to both of us in the near future.
Yours faithfully
⑺ 求購迷信紙,竹漿紙,黃表紙廠家信息
⑻ 大量收購廢紙