1. 亞當夏娃的秘密日記的作品簡介
2. 聖經故事:亞當夏娃日記的作者簡介
馬克·吐溫,美國著名的幽默大師、作家、演說家,美國現實主義文學的傑出代表之一。原名塞繆爾·朗赫恩·克萊門斯(Samuel Langhome Clemens),「馬克·吐溫」是其最常用的筆名。因年輕時在密西西比河上做領航員時,常常要用到一句行船術語「Mark Twain」(意思是「水深兩嚼」,此時船隻即可安全通過),故取其作筆名。 馬克·吐溫文筆幽默、犀利,既善於刻畫人物心理,又善於進行誇張描寫,寓諷刺於其中,具有深刻的思想性。其最著名的代表作有小說《湯姆·索亞歷險記》、《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》,隨筆《密西西比河上》等。海倫·凱勒曾經這樣評價他:「我喜歡馬克·吐溫——誰會不喜歡他呢?即使是上帝,亦會鍾愛他,賦予其智慧,並於其心靈里繪畫出一道愛與信仰的彩虹。」 馬克·吐溫於1910年去世,安葬於紐約州埃爾邁拉。
3. 心靈的日出之亞當夏娃日記讀後感
今天看完了馬克吐溫的《亞當和夏娃日記》,很短的一本書,卻很感動。在我妹那裡看到這本書,拿來隨手一翻,卻停不下來了。我妹一定無法體會到這本書的精彩之處,她還處在幻想白馬王子的階段。只是譯者翻譯的實在不怎麼好,無法體現出原文的韻味。不過以我這么蹩腳的英文,如果沒有翻譯實在有太多地方不知所雲。囧。之前從未關注過馬克吐溫的作品,只知道他是美國的幽默大師。讀完後查了一下他,在他的很多簡介里都沒有提到過這部作品,他的作品年表裡面也隻字未提,在當時一定很不受重視吧。像這樣發現一本不怎麼出名卻非常好的書時,總能感到莫大的欣喜。第一次讓我有自主寫一段讀後感的沖動。 馬克吐溫一定是個很細膩的男人,不然他怎麼能把亞當和夏娃的心理刻畫的如此細微。能讓人覺得嗯,啊他們當時大概真是這樣想的吧。亞當最初看到夏娃時的困惑,不如夏娃機靈時心中感到尷尬卻為自己面子的辯解,當有了該隱和亞伯時的種種引人發笑的推測,還有夏娃見到各種新奇事物時的想法,看到亞當為自己尷尬的辯解時心中的滿足,還有關於感情對自己內心各種深入的剖析,讀來很是妙趣橫生。幽默之處能引人會心一笑,溫暖之處又引人心生羨意。 亞當從最初的厭煩,到後來對夏娃產生無法離棄的感情,我很懷疑如果他沒有吃夏娃摘下的蘋果是不是就不會對她有愛。而夏娃卻從始至終一直保持著對亞當的愛。是的她從一開始就是愛他的。是不是很不平等?但是面臨亞當最初的厭煩,她卻選擇保持尊嚴。她說It is a long time to be alone; still, it is better to be alone than unwelcome.她把注意力從這個男人身上轉移到探索伊甸園這個神秘的世界,並有了下面這段話。 At first I couldn't make out what I was make for, but now I think it was to search out the secrets of this wonderful world and be happy and thank the Giver of it all for devising it. I think there are many things to learn yet. I hope so.恩這是個現代獨立女性該有的態度。即使愛這個男人,如果他不愛你,何必自討苦吃。就算心裡明明在痛苦難過,也強過被驅逐的恥辱感。我很欣賞書中夏娃的很多想法。 對於感情的態度,看完以後感到男人和女人實在很不同,夏娃自始至終都比亞當心思細膩很多,無論是對於兩個人的感情,還是對於發現探索伊甸園。她做了很多嘗試,熱愛探索新事物,至少吃禁果也是她勇於嘗試的結果。但是亞當在強健的同時卻很明顯有孩子氣和簡單的一面。在書里兩個人的地位很不平等。即使夏娃在受到屈辱時選擇離開,她在最後仍然承認亞當對她而言比她對亞當而言來的重要。不過可能亞當最後並不是這樣想的吧,因為他在夏娃死後說:Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.不悔,這是多麼珍貴的精神。他們吃了蘋果後,不得不離開伊甸園去過貧苦且不安定的生活,可能打不到獵物,需要躲避猛獸,還要養育小孩,有諸多困難。然而他們卻深深地相愛了。亞當不後悔吃下禁果,不後悔和她一起離開伊甸園去過即使有困難卻幸福的生活。夏娃更是如此。因為他終於愛上她。當兩個人在一起,當兩個人真心相愛的時候,是可以戰勝一切的吧。距離,時間,不管對方生老病死,強大還是弱小。夏娃最後是這樣描述的: He is srtong and handsome, and I love him for that, and I admire him and am proud of him, but I could love him without those qualities. If he were plain, I should love him; if he were a wreck, I should love him; and I would work for him, and slave over him, and pray for him, and watch by his bedside until I died. Yes, I think I love him merely because he is mine and is masculine. there is no other reason, I suppose. And so I think it is as I first said: that this kind of love is not a proct of reasoning and statistics. It just comes---none knows whence---and cannot explain itself. And doesn't need to. 看到他們各自描述對對方的愛的時候,真的很感動很感動,描述中始終流露著一種淡淡的溫情。可能是因為我覺得我已經做不到像夏娃愛亞當那般愛一個男人。並且那種愛在現代社會實在是已經屈指可數。大家都在自保,還有幾個人真的願意全身心的付出,更何況就算有這樣的人存在,又有幾個人能欣賞並珍惜這份付出。 曾經看到過一句話說:我們都想跟自己很愛很愛的人在一起,可是如果不在一起,又怎麼知道會不會很愛很愛對方。我深有同感,我相信愛是很偉大的一種感情,愛是共同經歷千山萬水兩個人心底共享的一份默契,一份堅定,一份信任。 曾經有個朋友跟我說,不存在男女雙方完全平等的感情。我覺得不是這樣的。可能在磨合期有一方需要退讓,而當磨合期過去,兩個人真的完全接納了對方的時候,當初做出犧牲的一方,一定會得到回報。另一方會明白你的付出,你的隱忍,你曾經的痛苦,會對你好。只是,我什麼時候才能遇到這樣一個人,兩個人都完全接納對方,理解對方,珍惜對方。實在是很難的一件事。 知足常樂,卻為什麼總也不知足。但求不悔。 PS: 其實我還覺著,夏娃一開始且一直喜歡亞當會不會是因為伊甸園里就亞當一個男人。。就像有句話說的,當初的驚艷,完全只因那時見的世面太少。。。囧
4. 馬克吐溫《夏娃日記》《亞當日記》電子書
網上找遍了 沒有
5. 翻譯一句 馬克吐溫 《亞當和夏娃的秘密日記》 里的話。
我以前從沒有聽過人的聲音 I have never heard the human voice before
and any new and strange sound intruding itself here
upon the solemn hush of these dreaming solitudes
offends my ear and seems a false note.
6. 馬克·吐溫短篇小說集的目錄
7. 求馬克吐溫的《夏娃日記》《亞當日記》讀後感,500字左右,最好是英語的讀後感
亞當從最初的厭煩,到後來對夏娃產生無法離棄的感情,我很懷疑如果他沒有吃夏娃摘下的蘋果是不是就不會對她有愛。而夏娃卻從始至終一直保持著對亞當的愛。是的她從一開始就是愛他的。是不是很不平等?但是面臨亞當最初的厭煩,她卻選擇保持尊嚴。她說It is a long time to be alone; still, it is better to be alone than unwelcome.她把注意力從這個男人身上轉移到探索伊甸園這個神秘的世界,並有了下面這段話。 At first I couldn't make out what I was make for, but now I think it was to search out the secrets of this wonderful world and be happy and thank the Giver of it all for devising it. I think there are many things to learn yet. I hope so.恩這是個現代獨立女性該有的態度。即使愛這個男人,如果他不愛你,何必自討苦吃。就算心裡明明在痛苦難過,也強過被驅逐的恥辱感。我很欣賞書中夏娃的很多想法。
對於感情的態度,看完以後感到男人和女人實在很不同,夏娃自始至終都比亞當心思細膩很多,無論是對於兩個人的感情,還是對於發現探索伊甸園。她做了很多嘗試,熱愛探索新事物,至少吃禁果也是她勇於嘗試的結果。但是亞當在強健的同時卻很明顯有孩子氣和簡單的一面。在書里兩個人的地位很不平等。即使夏娃在受到屈辱時選擇離開,她在最後仍然承認亞當對她而言比她對亞當而言來的重要。不過可能亞當最後並不是這樣想的吧,因為他在夏娃死後說:Wheresoever she was, there was Eden.不悔,這是多麼珍貴的精神。他們吃了蘋果後,不得不離開伊甸園去過貧苦且不安定的生活,可能打不到獵物,需要躲避猛獸,還要養育小孩,有諸多困難。然而他們卻深深地相愛了。亞當不後悔吃下禁果,不後悔和她一起離開伊甸園去過即使有困難卻幸福的生活。夏娃更是如此。因為他終於愛上她。當兩個人在一起,當兩個人真心相愛的時候,是可以戰勝一切的吧。距離,時間,不管對方生老病死,強大還是弱小。夏娃最後是這樣描述的:
He is srtong and handsome, and I love him for that, and I admire him and am proud of him, but I could love him without those qualities. If he were plain, I should love him; if he were a wreck, I should love him; and I would work for him, and slave over him, and pray for him, and watch by his bedside until I died.
Yes, I think I love him merely because he is mine and is masculine. there is no other reason, I suppose. And so I think it is as I first said: that this kind of love is not a proct of reasoning and statistics. It just comes---none knows whence---and cannot explain itself. And doesn't need to.
PS: 其實我還覺著,夏娃一開始且一直喜歡亞當會不會是因為伊甸園里就亞當一個男人。。就像有句話說的,當初的驚艷,完全只因那時見的世面太少。。。囧
8. 馬克吐溫『亞當夏娃的日記『的深意是什麼
9. 誰能告訴我一些關於馬克吐溫的《亞當夏娃日記》的評論文章啊.最好有中英文對照的.
The Diaries of Adam and Eve collects two short stories that Twain based very very loosely on the Book of Genesis. It wouldn't be entirely inaccurate to call this a picture book, as illustrations make up exactly half of each story: full-page pictures on the even-numbered pages, text on the odd-numbered ones. In "Extracts from Adam's Diary," these illustrations are rendered as crude carvings in stone slabs, which fits the tone of the piece; as one commentator points out, it resembles nothing so much as "The Flintstones." It's got the same reliance on anachronism (eg, picture of a Stone Age guy sitting in a recliner smoking a cigar and reading a newspaper) and, like the 60s cartoon, features a loutish protagonist. Twain's Adam just wants to relax, and is irked at the arrival of this nattering presence in the background that calls herself Eve. In a cruel moment, he kicks her out into a rainstorm so he can have his shelter to himself "in peace," noting distantly that "it shed water out of the holes it looks with" after he has done so. The rest of the story continues in this vein: Eve is over-eager about something; Adam scoffs, sometimes rightly and sometimes wrongly; comedy supposedly ensues. There are some funny bits but all in all it's not one of Twain's best efforts. The ending also echoes A Connecticut Yankee in jumping years into the future and revealing that the protagonist, who had previously disdained the silly female who followed him around, now cherishes her as the author of the domestic bliss that has given his life meaning and whatnot.
Yankee was first published in 1889, "Adam's Diary" in 1893, when Twain's family was intact. "Eve's Diary" was written in 1905, after the death of Twain's wife of thirty-four years, Livy. Livy Langdon was of a higher social class than Twain, more ecated and more politically progressive. To a great extent "Eve's Diary" is a eulogy for her — most clearly so on the last page, as Adam mourns her at her grave, but really all the way through. This is really quite a remarkable piece of work.
First of all, the illustrations by Lester Ralph are beautiful. Frederick Strothmann's illustrations for "Adam's Diary" are funny, and his Eve is cute, but Ralph's panels are like the best tarot deck ever drawn. Each picture is a gorgeous landscape that borders on the otherworldly, with a healthy admixture of turn-of-the-century Dawn of a New Tomorrow spirit. At first, the text of "Eve's Diary" is no match for the illustrations. Twain is trying to be funny, giving the flip side of the story from "Adam's Diary," this time from the point of view of the curious chatterbox. But it seems that Twain quickly realized he'd hit upon something good, as the story becomes a straight character study of someone with a boundless sense of wonder.
She wonders about every aspect of the world, but above all else she wonders about her relationship with Adam, and why they treat each other the way they do. In the third-to-last section of the story, "After the Fall," Eve delivers a soliloquy, not entirely unlike Carver Fringie's, about why it is that she loves Adam: not for his beauty, for that is questionable, nor for his mind, for he's none too bright, nor for his grace or his instry, for he lacks both. Chillingly, she continues, "At bottom he is good, and I love him for that, but I could love him without it. If he should beat me and abuse me, I should go on loving him. I know it." So what's the answer? "I think I love him merely because he is mine and he is masculine." It's not rational, not a matter of choice — it's just her nature, and she has to follow her inborn programming.
This is what What Is Man? is about, as it happens — it's a Socratic dialogue, just straight philosophy, that Twain fiddled with for thirty years before finally releasing it anonymously in an edition of 250 copies. In this very slim volume, Twain sets forth the reasons he thinks humans are nothing more than machines; and by machines he means something very much like what I said in my review of Thirteen, that people are loci of history and biology and statistics playing themselves out. He also harps on the idea (brought up by the judge in Red) that people never do anything unless it is primarily to assuage their consciences — all charity is motivated by self-interest, in other words, though the upshot of this is obscure since he makes it into a tautology. Anyway, it's interesting for philosophy, I guess, but when you have a gift for illustrating your ideas as Twain did, it seems a waste to deliver them in this manner.
Back to Eve. Just as Adam's mournful words at Eve's grave seem to be transparently those of Twain for his wife, it is easy to read the "After the Fall" section of "Eve's Diary" as his (bleak) thoughts about why someone like Livy would have put up with someone like him for over a third of a century. But that's hardly unique. Do we ever feel worthy of the people we love? Does it ever stop being astonishing to be loved in return? I think this is a pretty universal chord to strike, even for those who at least on the surface have a healthy ego. But it's not just the ideas and the current of feeling running through it that make "Eve's Diary" one of Twain's greatest achievements. It's also the lyricism of it. Lyricism is not a quality traditionally associated with Twain, though he had his moments here and there. As "Eve's Diary" progresses, though, the paragraphs become as poetry. The last paragraph of the prelapsarian section of the story is among the most beautiful things I've ever read.