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發布時間: 2021-03-09 11:23:01

1. 商務標投標文件要求

1、封面 「右上角列印正本或副本章」 (公章、法人章)。
4、法定代表人授權委託書(代理人簽字、公章、法人章)(身 份證掃描件)(公章)。
②企業資質(裝飾裝修一級企業資質復印件、公章) 。
③業績(近二年承接300 萬以上類似工程的施工合同或中標通知書)(復印件、公章)。
④企業經營狀況承諾書(沒有被責令停業,投標資格取消,財產被接管、 凍結,破產狀況的承諾書證明)((公章、法人章)。
⑤履約情況承諾書(近三年內沒有騙取中標和嚴重違約及重大工程質量 問題的承諾書證明)(公章、法人章)

2. 摘要翻譯,在線等,謝謝!急用a,馬上要交畢業設計了~~~(把所有積分奉上)


Beijing Manhattan international community building # 1 is a 33 layers building on land and 1 layer underground. It』s building area is 25061.60 square meters. The skirt building and building structure type of frame shear wall structure. The graation design including the project tenders, economic standard, the business standard technology standard three parts. Economic standard according to the budget norm division project breakdown, quantity is calculated according to the list of quantities, preparation method of this project construction drawing budget, make the contract form, with bill counfing form of bid price quotation, According to the current proction is goal-directed technology related codes, standards, and take effective quality, progress, safety, civilization construction guarantee measures, the construction is proposed, based on the construction of the project, and compared with the prescribed period, the technical and economic analysis, The business standard parts according to 1987 refers to the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) of bids, including agreement part of such document letter.
Keywords: bidding documents;graation design;FIDIC

3. 淺淡工程招標中幾種商務標評審辦法

摘要:各地的招投標工作中,存在多種評標方法。合肥招標投標中心的「有效最低價」方法在全國招標行業形成了一定的影響力。但隨著周邊城市重點項目進場交易,試行了多種商務標評審方法。本文結合操作實例,重點分析多種商務標評審辦法的優缺點。關鍵詞:商務標 招標 評審2006年,安徽省合肥市根據管辦分離、政事分開的原則,按「一委一辦一中心」的模式,對建設工程、政府采購、產權交易、土地出讓制度等系統進行改革,整合4個交易中心,建立起了統一的招投標交易平台——合肥招標投標中心。

4. 土木工程論文摘要 謝謝各位了 明天交啊 分都給你了

The graation project is the subject of Changchun City high-rise residential area competent family, frame - shear wall structure, the main 19-storey building total height of 57.6m.

Construction design includes: a list of projects in terms of Quantity Price (Business Standard), standard construction techniques, construction schele and construction plan preparation.

Quantities calculated include earthworks, steel works, doors and windows works, concrete works and other parts. Quantity Pricing calculated counting all the items in the list. Some of the major construction organization design including major construction programs, construction technology, quality assurance measures, civilized construction measures, construction of measures, such as the rainy season.

To sum up, graated from the College of Design has been issued in accordance with the design of the graation requirements of the book, completed a graate of the mission design.

Key words : Frame - shear wall structure


Quantity pricing

Construction Design

5. 招標文件論文摘要要怎麼寫














6. 哪位大師幫忙翻譯一下我的論文摘要,我自己實在是沒有本事翻譯出來。。。

Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Nantong success workshop A tender documents (Business Standard)

Abstract: The success of the design for the Fine Chemical Instry Co., Ltd. Nantong A business workshop the subject of the preparation of the tender. Tender documents including business and technology superscript superscript two parts. The design of the main business subject to the preparation of tender documents and quote part of the calculation. The main subject of the content business, including pricing table BOQ, tender price, performance bonds, bid bonds, unit with a project cost summary, sub-part project pricing table quantities, measures, meter list of items, sub-part of an integrated project of Quantities Price analysis table, measures the project cost analysis table, the main material, such as price list. Success of this project for Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Nantong A workshop, the main framework of the structure, seismic six, with a total construction area of 1550 square meters, the designed life span of 50 years.

Key words: A workshop; Business Standard; BOQ

7. 麻煩大家幫翻譯下摘要 在線等!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The graation project is the subject of Changchun City high-rise residential area competent family, frame - shear wall structure, the main 19-storey building total height of 57.6m.
Construction design includes: a list of projects in terms of Quantity Price (Business Standard), standard construction techniques, construction schele and construction plan preparation.
Quantities calculated include earthworks, steel works, doors and windows works, concrete works and other parts. Quantity Pricing calculated counting all the items in the list. Some of the major construction organization design including major construction programs, construction technology, quality assurance measures, civilized construction measures, construction of measures, such as the rainy season.
To sum up, graated from the College of Design has been issued in accordance with the design of the graation requirements of the book, completed a graate of the mission design.

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