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㈠ 徐晉濤的發表著作

陸文明, Natasha Landell-Mills ,劉金龍,徐晉濤,劉璨,戴廣翠, 2002 ,《中國私有林政策研究》,中國環境科學出版社,北京。 9999-9-9 徐晉濤 徐晉濤, Ulrich Schmitt ( 主編 ) , 2002 ,《生態環境效益補償政策與國際經驗研討會論文集》,中國林業出版社,北京。 2002-1-1 徐晉濤 徐晉濤, Ulrich Schmitt ( 主編 ) , 2002 ,《中國林業政策國際論壇 論文集》,中國林業出版社,北京。 2002-1-1 徐晉濤 魏殿生(主編),徐晉濤,李怒雲(副主編), 2003 ,《造林綠化與氣候變化:碳匯問題研究》,中國林業出版社,北京。 2003-1-1 徐晉濤 徐晉濤,秦萍(主編), 2004 ,《退耕還林和天然林資源保護工程的社會經濟影響案例研究》,中國環境與發展國際合作委員會林草問題課題組出版物。中國林業出版社,北京。 2004-1-1 徐晉濤 徐晉濤,吉妮?卡其格里斯,安蒂?懷特(主編), 2004 ,《退耕還林和天然林資源保護工程的社會經濟影響》,中國環境與發展國際合作委員會林草問題課題組出版物。中國林業出版社,北京。 2004-1-1 徐晉濤 William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher ,徐晉濤 (主編), 2005 ,《中國的森林 — 有全球意義的市場改革經驗》,中國林業出版社,北京。 2005-1-1 徐晉濤 陳建成,徐晉濤,田明華(主編), 2006 ,《中國林業技術經濟理論與實踐》(中國林業學術論壇第一輯),中國林業出版社,北京。 2006-1-1 徐晉濤 Lu Wenming, Natasha Landell-Mills, Liu Jinlong, Xu Jintao, Liu Can, 2002, 「Getting the private sector to work for the public good: instruments for sustainable private sector forestry in China」, Earthprint Limited: Hertfordshire, UK. 2002-1-1 徐晉濤 Xu Jintao, Eugenia Katsigris, Thomas A. White, (eds.) 2002, 「Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Lessons and Policy Recommendations」, China Forestry Publishing House: Beijing 2002-1-1 徐晉濤 Eugenia Katsigris, Xu Jintao and Ulrich Schmitt, (eds.) 2004, 「Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Case Studies」, China Forestry Publishing House: Beijing 2004-1-1 徐晉濤 William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher and Jintao Xu, (eds.) 2003, 「China『s Forests: Global Lessons from Market Reforms」, Resources for the Future Press: Washington. DC 2003-1-1 徐晉濤

㈡ 申立銀的發表論文

1. 申立銀,葉堃暉,鄧小鵬.建築業企業競爭力[M]. 中國建築工業出版社, 2006. 2. 趙振寧,申立銀. 中國建築業企業:國際競爭力﹒柔性策略與案例分析[M]. 中國建築工業出版社,2009. 3. Yin Yi Lin and Shen L Y (2002) Comparative studies on project cost management between China Mainland and Hong Kong, Nan Kai University Press, China, pp.330, 7-310-01643-2. 4. Shen L Y, Zeng S X, Wang F and Ge C B (1999) Management for Real Estate Building Project, China Planning Publications, ISBN 7-80058-734-7, pp.276. 5. Shen L Y & Xu Chong Lu (1997) Construction Procurement Management and Practice in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0973-5, pp.186 (The publication is based on the studies from one of my RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 6. Shen L Y, Chan H W, Xu C L (1999) Construction Tendering and Contract Administration in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-1023-7, pp.167 (The publication is based on the studies from the RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 7. Shen L Y & Yu M X (1996) Risks in Real Estate Market Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0855-0 (This book is based on the research studies 'Risk Management in the Chinese Real Estate Market'), pp.247.
1. Liyin Shen and Liudan Jiao, Bei He and Lanchun Li (2014) Evaluation on the Utility Efficiency of Metro Infrastructure Projects in China from Sustainable Development Perspective, 2014, International Journal of Project Management (SCI) 2. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Application of a hybrid Entropy-McKinsey Matrix method in evaluating sustainable urbanization: A China Case, Cities (SSCI) 3. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Examining the effectiveness of indicators for guiding sustainable urbanization in China, Habitat International (SCI) 4. Shen L Y, Hongping Yuan and Xiangfei Kong (2013) Paradoxical phenomenon in urban renewal practices: promotion of sustainable construction versus buildings' short lifespan International Journal of Strategic Property Management (SSCI indexed), 17(4), 377-389. 5. SHEN L Y, OCHOA J J, ZHANG X L, and Peng Y (2013) Experience Mining for Decision Making on Implementing Sustainable Urbanization – An Innovative Approach Automation in Construction, 29, 40-49 (SCI indexed) 6. L Y Shen, Vivian W Y Tam and L Zhang (2012) Modelling Gaseous Emissions from Energy Consumption ring Building Life Cycle, Surveying & Built Environment, Vol.22, No.1, 61-73 7. Li-yin SHEN, Wei-Sheng Lu, Yi Peng and Shi-Jie Jiang (2011) Critical Assessment indicators for measuring benefits of rural infrastructure investment in China, Journal of Infrastructure Systesm, ASCE, Vol.17, No.4, 176-183 (SCI index). 8. Shen L Y, Jiang Shijie and H P Yuan (2011) Critical Indicators for Assessing the Contribution of Infrastructure Projects to Coordinated Urban-rural Development in China, Habitat International, 36(2), 237-246. (SSCI index) 9. Liyin SHEN, Yi Peng, Xiaoling Zhang and Yuzhe Wu (2012) An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39. (SSCI index) 10. L.Y. Shen and Mona N. Shah (2011) The Practice of Sustainable Construction Standards: A comparative study of China (PRC) and India, Journal of National Repute (Udyog Pragati), Vol. 35, No.2. April-June, 11-21. 11. Li-yin Shen, Yuzhe Wu and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, June, Vol.137, No.6, 441-451. (SCI index) 12. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, ChengShuang Sun and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.10, No.2, 153-168. 13. L Y Shen, J Jorge Ochoa, Mona N Shah and X L Zhang (2011) The Application of Urban Sustainability Indicators – A Comparison between Various Practices, Habitat International, 35, 17-29. (SSCI index) 14. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Proction, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index) 15. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Proction, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)
1.申立銀,吳德華. 建築企業環境表現評價系統(C-EPSS)層套AHP計算模型[J]. 高等建築教育,2002,04:65-73. 2.申立銀,向黨. 杠桿收購對國有建築企業競爭力的影響[J]. 土木工程學報,2003,03:84-89+104. 3.申立銀,吳德華,張遠林. 國有企業資產證券化操作的主要參數分析[J]. 建築經濟,1999,06:3-6. 4.申立銀. 城市規劃與房地產投資風險[J]. 北京規劃建設,1998,04:51-52. 5.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港多層大廈的法制管理[J]. 中國房地產,1997,05:77-79. 6.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港地產業資本的國籍結構[J]. 中外房地產導報,1997,13:35-36. 7.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產組合投資的風險分散原理[J]. 建築管理現代化,1996,04:18-19. 8.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產業結構及其影響因素[J]. 北京房地產,1995,03:45-46. 9.申立銀,俞明軒,朱岩. 香港樓宇按揭的風險探討[J]. 北京房地產,1995,07:41-42. 10.申立銀,俞明軒. 香港樓宇按揭對樓市的影響[J]. 中外房地產導報,1995,19:9-10. 11.黃志玉,申立銀. 綠色生態住宅小區評價對提高住宅節能的影響分析[J]. 西南師范大學學報(自然科學版),2012,07:80-84. 12.孫成雙,申立銀. 基於信息流分析的建設項目可持續性研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2012,S2:316-320. 13.蔣時節,申立銀,彭毅,楊建偉. 農村基礎設施投資效益評價的關鍵指標遴選[J]. 農業工程學報,2010,09:1-7. 14.鮑海君,申立銀,吳宇哲. 基礎設施BOT(build-operate-transter)項目特許權期決策的Bargaining博弈模型[J]. 浙江大學學報(理學版),2010,02:160-165. 15.甘琳,申立銀,傅鴻源. 基於可持續發展的基礎設施項目評價指標體系的研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2009,11:133-138.

㈢ 阿里巴巴 發布產品iPhone case算侵權嗎

你的case 上面有iphone 的牌子嗎?如果有,而你沒有iPhone的授權,就算侵權。如果沒有品牌標志是可以的發布的

㈣ vbscript 里的select case語句

<input name=t1 type=text size=5>
<input type=button VALUE="確定" name=b1>
<script language="vbscript">

sub b1_onclick()
bak = t1.value

baks = 0
if bak<=59 and bak=>0 then
baks = 2
elseif bak<=100 and bak>=60 then
baks = 1
end if

select case baks
case 1
msgbox "及格"
case 2
msgbox "不及格"
case else
msgbox "輸入有誤"
end select
end sub


㈤ 張衛東的論文發表

1 Zhang,W.D., and Y.X. Sun (1996). Modified Smith Predictor for controlling Integrator/Time Delay Processes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 35(8), 2769-2772
2 Zhang, W. D., Y.X. Sun, and X.M. Xu (1998). Two Degree-of-Freedom Smith Predictor for Processes with Time Delay, Automatica, 34(10), 1279-1282.
3 Zhang,W.D., and X.M. Xu(2000). Quantitative Performance Design for Inverse Response Processes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39(6), 2056-2061.
4 Zhang,W.D., X.M. Xu (2002). On minimal-order stabilization of minimum phase plants, Automatica, 38(7), 1243-1246.
5 Zhang,W.D., D.Y. Gu, W. Wang, and X.M. Xu (2004). Quantitative performance design of a modified smith predictor for unstable processes with time delay, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 43 (1), 56-62.
6 Zhang,W.D., Linlin Ou, Danying Gu. (2006). Algebraic Solution to H2 Control Problems-Part I: The Scalar Case, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45(21), 7151-7162.
7 Wang, Ping, Danying Gu, Weidong Zhang. (2007). Modified Relay Feedback Identification Based on Describing Function Analysis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (5): 1538-1546.
8 Weidong Zhang, Jochen M. Rieber, Danying Gu (2008). Optimal Dead-Time Compensator Design for Stable and Integrating Processes with Time Delay,Journal of Process Control, 18, 449-457
9 Ou, Linlin, Weidong Zhang, Li Yu (2009). Low-order Stabilization for LTI Systems with Time Delay, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 54(4), 774-787( FULL PAPER)
10 Alcántara, Salva, Weidong Zhang, Carles, Pedret, Ramon Vilanova, Siguard Skogestad (2011). IMC-like Analytical H-infinity design with S/SP mixed sensitivity consideration: Utility in PID tuning guidance, J. of Process Control, 21(6), 976-985
11 Wei Zhang, Shihe Chen, and Weidong Zhang (2012). Two-Degree-of-Freedom Controller Design for An Ill-Conditioned Process Using H2 Decoupling Control,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(45), 1472-1478
12 B. Sun, W. Zhang, W. Zhang, and Z. Li (2014), 「Optimal H 2 Input Load Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for Nonminimum Phase Systems Based on Algebraic Theory,」 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,53(51), 472-478

㈥ sci期刊裡面發case-report,letter算不算SCI



非典期間,香港大學及香港中文大學在幾家頂尖雜志如JAMA,NEJM等發表了數篇case report的文章,這些作者大多因此而晉升。

㈦ 想發一篇神經外科的case report,哪個雜志好發


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