CAM系統中高速銑削加工的切入方式研究 CAD/CAM 2001.6
CAM系統中粗加工刀具軌跡的優化設計回 CAD/CAM 2001.8
高速高精度擴孔的NC刀具軌跡設計 製造技術與機床2001.11
振弦式感測器非線性補償設計法 感測器技術 2001.11
CAM中的刀答具管理系統 機床與液壓 2001.12
CAPP的刀具自動選擇系統 現代製造工程2002.2
嵌入式CAM的CAD平台可移植實現方案 科大學報 2002.2
CAD/CAM集成系統中模型信息的檢取 計算機應用 2002.3
CAM系統中型腔加工的螺旋進刀方式 機床與液壓 2002.6
Design of Nonlinear Compensate Structure for Sensor ISIST 2002.8
The Analysis about the Relation Between Machine Structure and System Performance ICME 2000.10
The Research on Hole Modeling in CAD/CAM Integrated System ICME 2000.10
⑵ 申立銀的發表論文
1. 申立銀,葉堃暉,鄧小鵬.建築業企業競爭力[M]. 中國建築工業出版社, 2006. 2. 趙振寧,申立銀. 中國建築業企業:國際競爭力﹒柔性策略與案例分析[M]. 中國建築工業出版社,2009. 3. Yin Yi Lin and Shen L Y (2002) Comparative studies on project cost management between China Mainland and Hong Kong, Nan Kai University Press, China, pp.330, 7-310-01643-2. 4. Shen L Y, Zeng S X, Wang F and Ge C B (1999) Management for Real Estate Building Project, China Planning Publications, ISBN 7-80058-734-7, pp.276. 5. Shen L Y & Xu Chong Lu (1997) Construction Procurement Management and Practice in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0973-5, pp.186 (The publication is based on the studies from one of my RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 6. Shen L Y, Chan H W, Xu C L (1999) Construction Tendering and Contract Administration in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-1023-7, pp.167 (The publication is based on the studies from the RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China'). 7. Shen L Y & Yu M X (1996) Risks in Real Estate Market Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0855-0 (This book is based on the research studies 'Risk Management in the Chinese Real Estate Market'), pp.247.
1. Liyin Shen and Liudan Jiao, Bei He and Lanchun Li (2014) Evaluation on the Utility Efficiency of Metro Infrastructure Projects in China from Sustainable Development Perspective, 2014, International Journal of Project Management (SCI) 2. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Application of a hybrid Entropy-McKinsey Matrix method in evaluating sustainable urbanization: A China Case, Cities (SSCI) 3. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) Examining the effectiveness of indicators for guiding sustainable urbanization in China, Habitat International (SCI) 4. Shen L Y, Hongping Yuan and Xiangfei Kong (2013) Paradoxical phenomenon in urban renewal practices: promotion of sustainable construction versus buildings' short lifespan International Journal of Strategic Property Management (SSCI indexed), 17(4), 377-389. 5. SHEN L Y, OCHOA J J, ZHANG X L, and Peng Y (2013) Experience Mining for Decision Making on Implementing Sustainable Urbanization – An Innovative Approach Automation in Construction, 29, 40-49 (SCI indexed) 6. L Y Shen, Vivian W Y Tam and L Zhang (2012) Modelling Gaseous Emissions from Energy Consumption ring Building Life Cycle, Surveying & Built Environment, Vol.22, No.1, 61-73 7. Li-yin SHEN, Wei-Sheng Lu, Yi Peng and Shi-Jie Jiang (2011) Critical Assessment indicators for measuring benefits of rural infrastructure investment in China, Journal of Infrastructure Systesm, ASCE, Vol.17, No.4, 176-183 (SCI index). 8. Shen L Y, Jiang Shijie and H P Yuan (2011) Critical Indicators for Assessing the Contribution of Infrastructure Projects to Coordinated Urban-rural Development in China, Habitat International, 36(2), 237-246. (SSCI index) 9. Liyin SHEN, Yi Peng, Xiaoling Zhang and Yuzhe Wu (2012) An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39. (SSCI index) 10. L.Y. Shen and Mona N. Shah (2011) The Practice of Sustainable Construction Standards: A comparative study of China (PRC) and India, Journal of National Repute (Udyog Pragati), Vol. 35, No.2. April-June, 11-21. 11. Li-yin Shen, Yuzhe Wu and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, June, Vol.137, No.6, 441-451. (SCI index) 12. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, ChengShuang Sun and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.10, No.2, 153-168. 13. L Y Shen, J Jorge Ochoa, Mona N Shah and X L Zhang (2011) The Application of Urban Sustainability Indicators – A Comparison between Various Practices, Habitat International, 35, 17-29. (SSCI index) 14. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Proction, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index) 15. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice, Journal of Cleaner Proction, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)
1.申立銀,吳德華. 建築企業環境表現評價系統(C-EPSS)層套AHP計算模型[J]. 高等建築教育,2002,04:65-73. 2.申立銀,向黨. 杠桿收購對國有建築企業競爭力的影響[J]. 土木工程學報,2003,03:84-89+104. 3.申立銀,吳德華,張遠林. 國有企業資產證券化操作的主要參數分析[J]. 建築經濟,1999,06:3-6. 4.申立銀. 城市規劃與房地產投資風險[J]. 北京規劃建設,1998,04:51-52. 5.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港多層大廈的法制管理[J]. 中國房地產,1997,05:77-79. 6.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港地產業資本的國籍結構[J]. 中外房地產導報,1997,13:35-36. 7.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產組合投資的風險分散原理[J]. 建築管理現代化,1996,04:18-19. 8.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產業結構及其影響因素[J]. 北京房地產,1995,03:45-46. 9.申立銀,俞明軒,朱岩. 香港樓宇按揭的風險探討[J]. 北京房地產,1995,07:41-42. 10.申立銀,俞明軒. 香港樓宇按揭對樓市的影響[J]. 中外房地產導報,1995,19:9-10. 11.黃志玉,申立銀. 綠色生態住宅小區評價對提高住宅節能的影響分析[J]. 西南師范大學學報(自然科學版),2012,07:80-84. 12.孫成雙,申立銀. 基於信息流分析的建設項目可持續性研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2012,S2:316-320. 13.蔣時節,申立銀,彭毅,楊建偉. 農村基礎設施投資效益評價的關鍵指標遴選[J]. 農業工程學報,2010,09:1-7. 14.鮑海君,申立銀,吳宇哲. 基礎設施BOT(build-operate-transter)項目特許權期決策的Bargaining博弈模型[J]. 浙江大學學報(理學版),2010,02:160-165. 15.甘琳,申立銀,傅鴻源. 基於可持續發展的基礎設施項目評價指標體系的研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2009,11:133-138.
⑶ 發表論文
真的有,假的也有,自己要會辨別 ,看是否正規公司,有沒有對公賬戶,期刊是否正規。
⑷ 田寶江的發表論文
1.田寶江,李增等.社會養老新模式,《城市建築》,2011年第1期 2.田寶江,蔣五一.高層住宅發展趨勢探討,《城市建築》,2009年第1期 3.田寶江.功能提升引導下的城市街景規劃設計,《理想空間》,2009年第4期 4.田寶江.日月同輝,光耀之城-安徽省明光市行政中心規劃設計,《理想空間》,2009年第3期 5.田寶江.打造生態住宅,倡導綠色生活,《城市建築》2008年第1期 6.田寶江.主題介入在城市線形景觀規劃中的運用,《城市建築》2008年第5期 7.田寶江.生態、和諧——居住區規劃設計理念創新,《城市建築》,2007年第1期 8.田寶江.走向綠色景觀,《城市建築》,2007年第5期 9.田寶江.居住區外部空間設計層次論,《城市建築》,2005年第3期 10.田寶江.城市設計的理性與適應性,《城市建築》,2005年第6期 11.田寶江.居住小區修建性詳細規劃課程教學探討,《現代教育科學 高教研究》2004年第8期 12.杜世源,田寶江.經營城市的實踐和探索,《城市規劃匯刊》,2002年第5期
⑸ 要投的論文里復制了自己將要發表但尚未發表的論文的內容,算抄襲嗎
⑹ 李明發的發表論文
1. Li, Q., Feng, S., Yu, L., Zhao,G., Li, M*. Requirements of Lgl in cell differentiation and motility ring Drosophila ovarian follicular epithelium morphogenesis. Fly (Austin), 2011, 5: 81-87
2. Zhu, M., Xin, T., Weng, S., Gao, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Li, M* . Activation of JNK signaling links lgl mutations to disruption of the cell polarity and epithelial organization in Drosophila imaginal discs. Cell Research, 2010, 20: 242-245
3. Li, Q., Shen, L., Xin, T., Xiang, W., Chen, W., Gao, Y., Zhu, M., Yu, L and Li, M*. Role of Scrib and Dlg in anterior-posterior patterning of the follicular epithelium ring Drosophila oogenesis. BMC Developmental Biology. 2009, 9: 60 (1-15)
4. Miles, WO., Jaffray, E., Campbell, SG., Takeda, S., Bayston, LG., Basu, SP., Li, M., Raftery, LA., Ashe, MP., Hay, RT., and Ashe, HL. Medea SUMOylation restricts the signaling range of the Dpp morphogen in the Drosophila embryo. Genes & Development. 2008, 22(18): 2578-2590.
5. Li, Q., Xin, T., Chen, W., Zhu, M., and Li, M﹡. Lethal(2)giant larvae is required in the follicle cells for formation of the initial AP asymmetry and the oocyte polarity ring Drosophila oogenesis. Cell Research. 2008,18:372-384. (This paper is the cover story on the issue)。
6. Alone, DP., Tiwari, AK., Mandal, L., Li, M., Mechler, BM, and Roy, JK. Rab 11 is required ring Drosophila eye development. International Journal of Developmental Biology. 2005, 49:873-79.
7. Sutherland, DJ., Li, M., Liu, X., Stefancsik, R., and Raftery, LA. Stepwise formation of a Smad activity gradient ring dorsal-ventral patterning of the Drosophila embryo. Development. 2003, 130: 5705-5716.
8. Mao, B., Wu, W., Davidson, G., Marhold, J., Li, M., Mechler, BM., Delins, H., Hoppe, D., Stannek, P., Glink, A., and Niehrs, C. Kremens are novel Dickkopf receptors that regulate Wnt signaling. Nature. 2002, 417; 664-667.
9. Li, M., Marhold, J., Gato, A., Toeroek, I., and Mechler, BM. Differential expression of two scribble isoforms ring Drosophila embryogenesis. Mechanisms of Development. 2001, 108:185-190.
10. Li, M., Strand, D., Krehan, A., Pyerin, W., Neumann, B., and Mechler, BM. Casein kinase 2 binds and phosphorylates the nucleosome assembly protein-1 (NAP1) in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1999, 293:1067-1084.
⑺ 楊茂發的發表的論文
1.楊茂發,廖啟榮,汪廉敏. 桃瘤頭蚜Tuberocephallus momonis(Matsumura)發生規律及防治. 貴州農學院學報,1996,15(2):46-50 .
2.楊茂發,李子忠. 海南大葉蟬科三新種. 動物學研究,1998,19(4):318-322.
3.楊茂發,李子忠. 雲南斑大葉蟬屬一新種. 山地農業生物學報,1999,18(1):15-16,20.
4.楊茂發,李子忠,蔣書楠. 中國南無僧葉蟬屬的研究. 昆蟲分類學報,1999,21(1):29-32.
5.楊茂發,李子忠. 中國大葉蟬科一新記錄屬及一新種一新組合. 昆蟲分類學報,1999,21(3):205-208.
6.楊茂發,李子忠. 中國窗翅葉蟬屬三新種和一新記錄種. 動物分類學報,1999,24(3):315-319.
7.楊茂發,李子忠. 貴州窗翅葉蟬屬三新種. 昆蟲學報,1999,42(4):406-410.
8.楊茂發,李子忠. 條大葉蟬屬二新種記述. 華東昆蟲學報,1999,8(2):1-3.
9.楊茂發,李子忠. 窗翅葉蟬族中國一新記錄屬及一新種.《昆蟲學研究進展》(吳孔明,陳曉峰主編),北京:中國科學技術出版社,2000,23-25.
10.汪廉敏,廖啟榮,楊茂發. 貴陽地區桃一點葉蟬發生規律及防治 . 貴州農業科學,1997,25(6):24-27.
11.廖啟榮,楊茂發,陳恆陽. 貴陽地區稻稈蠅發生規律及防治 . 貴州師范大學學報(自然科學版),1998,16(增刊):161-162.
12.廖啟榮,汪廉敏,楊茂發. 桃粉蚜發生規律及防治 . 貴州師范大學學報(自然科學版),1999,17(2):67-70.
13.楊茂發. 梨癭華蛾的發生與防治 . 山地農業生物學報,2000,19(3):182-184.
14.楊茂發,李子忠. 窗翅葉蟬屬二新種記述. 《昆蟲分類區系研究》(張雅林主編),北京:中國農業出版社,2000,52-55.
15.楊茂發,張雅林. 中國大葉蟬亞科三新種.昆蟲分類學報,2000,22(3):185-190.
16.楊茂發,李子忠. 福建武夷山條大葉蟬屬一新種. 動物分類學報,2000,25(4):410-412.
17.楊茂發,李子忠. 中國邊大葉蟬屬的分類研究. 昆蟲學報,2000,43(4):403-412.
18.楊茂發,李子忠.貴州斑大葉蟬屬三新種. 動物分類學報,2001,26(1):46-50.
19.楊茂發,杜艷麗,李子忠. 中國斑大葉蟬屬三新種一新記錄. 動物學研究,2001,22(2):142-145.
20.楊茂發,廖啟榮等. 畢節地區玉米害蟲種群變動規律的研究 .《玉米高產集成技術應用與持續發展理論及技術研究》——玉米100萬畝高產技術應用與研究論文集(趙致,張榮達主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2001,156-163.
21.楊茂發,廖啟榮,廖華剛. 粗背狹肋鰓金龜的發生規律及防治研究 .《玉米高產集成技術應用與持續發展理論及技術研究》——玉米100萬畝高產技術應用與研究論文集(趙致,張榮達主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2001,203-204.
22.楊茂發,張雅林. 雲南大葉蟬亞科二新屬二新種記述. 昆蟲分類學報,2001,23(3):169-174.
23.楊茂發,李子忠. 四川條大葉蟬屬二新種 . 昆蟲學報,2002,45(Suppl.):40-42.
24.楊茂發,李子忠. 雲南條大葉蟬三新種. 動物分類學報,2002,27(3):556-561.
25.楊茂發,李子忠. 同翅目:葉蟬科:大葉蟬亞科.《茂蘭景觀昆蟲》(李子忠,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2002,171-183.
26.楊茂發. 甲蟎目:縫甲蟎科,短縫甲蟎科,廣縫甲蟎科,短甲蟎科,上羅甲蟎科,矮漢甲蟎科,禮服甲蟎科,蛛甲蟎科.《茂蘭景觀昆蟲》(李子忠,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2002,544-547.
27.張燕,金道超,楊茂發,王慧芙. 甲蟎的研究進展及展望. 貴州大學學報(農業與生物科學版),2002,21(5):368-374.
28.楊茂發,李子忠. 雲南窗翅葉蟬屬一新種. 中南林學院學報,2002,22(4):102-103.
29.陳穎,陳文龍,楊茂發,但漢斌. 南美斑潛蠅室內飼養及生物學特性. 天津農業科學,2002,8(4):15-17.
30.劉高峰,楊茂發. 梵凈山自然保護區土壤甲蟎群落結構與多樣性. 山地農業生物學報,2003,22(1):27-33.
31.孫桂華,楊春旺,楊茂發. 天津自然博物館館藏大葉蟬亞科昆蟲名錄. 山地農業生物學報,2003,22(6):505-508.
32.楊茂發,徐芳玲,汪廉敏,李子忠,戴仁懷,宋瓊章,徐翩. 寬闊水自然保護區昆蟲初步調查.《寬闊水自然保護區綜合科學考察集》(喻理飛,謝雙喜,吳太倫主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2004,340-379.
33.徐芳玲,楊茂發,汪廉敏,李子忠,戴仁懷,宋瓊章,徐翩. 寬闊水自然保護區昆蟲名錄.《寬闊水自然保護區綜合科學考察集》(喻理飛,謝雙喜,吳太倫主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2004,380-391.
34.楊茂發,李子忠. 台灣窗翅葉蟬屬四新種記述. 動物分類學報,2004,29(3):491-496.
35.楊茂發,李子忠. 西藏條大葉蟬屬三新種. 動物分類學報,2004,29(4):756-760.
36.劉細群,楊茂發. 貴州食蚜癭蚊生物學特性的初步研究. 貴州農業科學,2005,33(1):8-10.
37.楊茂發,李子忠. 斑大葉蟬屬一新種. 昆蟲分類學報,2005,27(1):14-16.
38.楊茂發,駱軍科,金道超. 黃柏瘦筒天牛生物學特性及其防治. 中國森林病蟲,2005,24(2):11-13.
39.曹玲珍,楊茂發. 貴州蜻蜓目昆蟲區系分析. 貴州農業科學,2005,33(2):7-10.
40.楊茂發,宋冬梅. 中國西藏大葉蟬亞科二新種. 昆蟲分類學報,2005,27(2):97-102.
41.Maofa Yang, Lewis L. Deitz and Zizhong Li. A New Genus and Two New Species of Cicadellinae from China (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), with a key to the Chinese genera of Cicadellinae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 2005, 113(1-2): 77-83.(SCI收錄)
42.楊茂發,李子忠. 同翅目:葉蟬科:大葉蟬亞科.《習水景觀昆蟲》(金道超,李子忠主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2005,159-169.
43.張燕,金道超,楊茂發. 甲蟎目:直卷甲蟎科,真卷甲蟎科,縫甲蟎科,短縫甲蟎科,上羅甲蟎科,矮漢甲蟎科,劍甲蟎科,耳頭甲蟎科,蓋頭甲蟎科,沙甲蟎科,沙足甲蟎科,滑珠甲蟎科,奧甲蟎科.《習水景觀昆蟲》(金道超,李子忠主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2005,552-558.
44.孫立軍,楊茂發,熊繼文,曾令祥. 貴州地道中葯材艾納香害蟲名錄初報. 貴州農業科學,2005,33(5):65.
45.楊茂發,宋冬梅,李子忠. 同翅目:葉蟬科:大葉蟬亞科.《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,133-142.
46.金道超,楊茂發. 大沙河自然保護區景觀昆蟲區系多樣性特點及演化的分析. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,14-34.
47.宋冬梅,楊茂發. 貴州大沙河昆蟲新階元和中國新記錄階元. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,35-39.
48.曹玲珍,楊茂發,周文豹. 蜻蜓目:蜓科,蜻科,色璁科,綜璁科,山璁科,扇璁科. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,40-44.
49.唐毅,楊茂發. 鞘翅目:虎甲科. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,201-202.
50.周忠會,楊茂發. 鞘翅目:龍虱科,水龜蟲科,鍬甲科. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,209-212.
51.楊再華,楊茂發. 膜翅目:胡蜂科,馬蜂科,異腹胡蜂科,蜾贏科,蜜蜂科,切葉蜂科,隧蜂科,泥蜂科. 《貴州大沙河昆蟲》(楊茂發,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州人民出版社,2005,483-489.
52.向玉勇,楊茂發. 昆蟲性信息素研究應用進展. 湖北農業科學,2006,45(2):250-256.
53.練啟仙,桑維鈞,楊茂發,李小霞,任春光,楊汝. 貴州皇竹草紋枯病的發生特點與防治建議. 山地農業生物學報,2006,25(2):177-178.
54.楊茂發,李子忠. 同翅目:葉蟬科:大葉蟬亞科.《赤水桫欏景觀昆蟲》(金道超,李子忠主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2006,129-133.
55.張燕,金道超,楊茂發. 甲蟎目:真卷甲蟎科,卷甲蟎科,縫甲蟎科,類縫甲蟎科,矮漢甲蟎科,阿斯甲蟎科,溫奧甲蟎科,劍甲蟎科,蓋頭甲蟎科,沙甲蟎科,沙足甲蟎科,滑珠甲蟎科,小棱甲蟎科,角翼甲蟎科.《赤水桫欏景觀昆蟲》(金道超,李子忠主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2006,364-369.
56.楊茂發,李子忠. 同翅目:葉蟬科:大葉蟬亞科.《梵凈山景觀昆蟲》(李子忠,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2006,153-162.
57.劉高峰,楊茂發. 甲蟎目:真卷甲蟎科,卷甲蟎科,真卷甲蟎科,縫甲蟎科,類縫甲蟎科,羅甲蟎科,上羅甲蟎科,懶甲蟎科,窪甲蟎科,矮漢甲蟎科,小赫甲蟎科,裂板鰓甲蟎科,珠甲蟎科,沙甲蟎科,沙足甲蟎科,美甲蟎科,泥甲蟎科,阿斯甲蟎科,劍甲蟎科,步甲蟎科,蓋頭甲蟎科,奧甲蟎科,單翼甲蟎科.《梵凈山景觀昆蟲》(李子忠,金道超主編),貴陽:貴州科技出版社,2006,691-701.
⑻ 馬余強的發表論文
Kai Yang and Yu-qiang Ma,Computer simulation of the translocation of nanoparticles with different shapes across a lipid bilayer, Nature Nanotechnology,5, 579 (2010)
Xia-qing Shi and Yu-qiang Ma,Understanding phase behavior of plant cell cortex microtubule organization,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.(PNAS)107,11709(2010).
Qi-yun Tang and Yu-qiang Ma, High density multiplication of graphoepitaxy directed block copolymer assembly on two-dimensional lattice template,Soft Matter, DOI:10.1039/c0sm00238k(2010)
Li-ping Xiong, Yu-qiang Ma, Lei-han Tang, Attenuation of transcriptional bursting in mRNA transport, Physical Biology,7, 016005(2010).
Chao Wang, Wen-de Tian, Yong Ding, Yu-qiang Ma, Zhong Lin Wang, Nenad Markovic, Vojislav Stamenkovic, Hideo Daimon, Shouheng Sun,Rational Synthesis of Heterostructured Nanoparticles with Morphology Control, Journal of the American Chemical Society, DOI: 10.1021/ja101305x
Wen-de Tian and Yu-qiang Ma, Effects of valences of salt ions at various concentrations on chargeddendrimers, Soft Matter, 6, 1308(2010)
Wen-de Tian and Yu-qiang Ma, Complexation of a Linear Polyelectrolyte with a Charged Dendrimer: Polyelectrolyte Stiffness Effects, Macromolecules,43 , 1575(2010)
Qing Liang, Qingfu Chen, and Yu-qiangMa, Membrane-Mediated Interactions between Nanoparticles on a Substrate,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, DOI: 10.1021/jp910852d
Qing Liang and Yu-qiangMa, Curvature-Inced Lateral Organization in Mixed Lipid Bilayers Supported on a Corrugated Substrate,Journal of Physical Chemistry B113, 8049(2009).
Qi-yun Tang and Yu-qiang Ma, Self-Assembly of Rod-Shaped Particles in Diblock-Copolymer Templates, Journal of Physical Chemistry B113, 10117(2009).
Kai Yang and Yu-qiang Ma, Computer simulations of vesicle fission inced by externalamphipathic inclusions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B113, 1048(2009).
Wen-de Tian and Yu-qiang Ma, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Charged Dendrimer in Multivalent Salt Solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry B113, 13161(2009).
Zi-yong Wang and Yu-qiang Ma, Monte Carlo determination of mixed electrolytes next to a planar dielectric interface with different surface charge distributions, Journal of Chemical Physics131,244715(2009).
Kai Yang, Xi Shao,and Yu-qiang Ma, Shape deformation and fission route of the lipid domain in a multicomponent vesicle,Physical Review E79, 051924(2009).
Chun-lai Ren and Yu-qiang Ma, Structure and organization of nanosized-inclusion-containing bilayer membranes, Physical Review E80, 011910(2009).
Qing Liang and Yu-qiang Ma, Inclusion-mediated lipid organizationin supported membranes on apatterned substrate Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112, 1963(2008).
C.Y. Zhang, G.J. Jin, and Yu-qiang Ma, Effective potential between two spheres in a suspension of adhesive rods, Physical Review E75, 041406(2007).
Chun-lai Ren and Yu-qiang Ma , Phase Behavior in Thin Films of Confined Colloid-Polymer Mixtures, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2006)128, 2733.
⑼ 論文:科技核心期刊是什麼怎麼才能把自己的文章發表到上面去啊
⑽ 顧月清的近年來發表的論文
Submitted manuscript:
Fei Liu, Xinyang Chen, Dawei Deng, Yueqing Gu*, 「 conjugated near infrared fluorescence probe for in vivo optical molecular imaging of cancer」, submitted to International Journal of Cancer.
Xinyang Chen, Fei Liu, Yueqing Gu*, 「In vivo tumor imaging in mice with near-infrared - low density lipoprotein conjugates」 submitted to Investigative Radiology
Hanyan Chen,Yueqing Gu*. 「Characterization of CdHgTe/CdS quantum dots for noninvasive imaging of spinal cord in mouse model」 submitted to Nanotechnology.
Jian zhang, Yueqing Gu*, 「In vivo anti-tumor efficacy of docetaxel-loaded thermally responsive nanohydrogel」, submitted to Nanotechnology
Da-Wei Deng, Peng Li, Yueqing Gu. 「The simple synthesis and structural analysis of angled nanocrystals」, Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, in press.
Yueqing Gu, Jian Zhang, Haiyan Chen, 「Dynamic properties of different kind of nanoparticles in mouse model after intravenous administration」, Proc. SPIE, 2009, 71900F1-F9
Da-Wei Deng, Yueqing Gu. 「Spontaneous transition and concomitant self-assembly of CdTe nanoparticles into CdS nanosheets inced by L-cysteine」, Proc. SPIE, 2009, 719017-1–12.
Jian Zhang, Haiyan Chen, Lin Xu, Yueqing Gu*. The targeted behavior of thermally responsive nanohydrogel evaluated by NIR system in mouse model. Journal of Controlled Release, 2008, 131, 34-40.
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, Real time in vivo non-invasive optical imaging of temperature sensitive co-polymeric nanohydrogel, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 185707
Huimin Qian Yueqing Gu*, Minwang, Samuel Achilefu, 「Optimization of the near-infrared fluorescence labeling for in vivo monitoring of a protein drug distribution in animal model」 J Fluorescence, 2008
Yueqing Gu, Zhiyu Qian, Yunli Song, In Vivo Near Infrared Techniques for Protein Drug Development, Encyclopaedia of Heathcare Information System, IGI Global , 2008
Haiyan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Jing Xu, Jian Zhang, Yuzhu Hu, Yueqing Gu*, Non-invasive Near Infrared Fluorescence Imaging of CdHgTe Quantum Dots in Mouse Model. J Fluoresc. 2008, 18, 801-811.
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, 「Comparison of two polymeric carrier formulations for controlled release of hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs」, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2008 Feb;19(2):651-8.
Haiyan Chen, Yueqing Gu*, Yuzhu Hu, Zhiyu Qian, 「Characterization of pH and temperature sensitive hydrogen nanoparticle for controlled drug release, PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 2007, Jul-Aug;61(4):303-13
Hao Gao, Yueqing Gu*, Qingneng Ping, 「The implantable 5-fluororacil-loaded poly (L-lactic acid) fibers prepared by wet-spinning from suspension」, Journal of Controlled Release, 2007 Apr ;118(3):325-32.
Haiyan Chen, Jian zhang, Yueqing Gu*, 「Characterization of Target effect of Nano- hydrogel by Real Time Optical Imaging using Near-infrared Fluorescent Quantum Dots」, Proceeding of International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials. IEEE Xplore,2006 (EI index)
Huimin Qian, Yueqing Gu, 「Near-infrared fluorescent labeling of L-asparaginase」, Proceeding of International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials. IEEE Xplore, 2006 (EI index)
Qiong Wu, Zhiyu Qian, Yueqing Gu, 「An Optimization Algorithm to Inverse Problem in 2-D Optical Computed Tomography by BP Neural Network,」 International Symposium on Biophotonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials. IEEE Xplore,2006 (EI index)
Yueqing Gu, Yunlin, Song, Anca Constantinescu 「tumor vascular contents assessed non-invasively by near infrared spectros and 19F NMR spectros of perfulubron」 Chinese Optics Letters, Vol.3 (suppl),2005
Zhiyu Qian Yueqing Gu, 「In vivo measurement of absorption coefficient in rat brain and statistic analysis」, Chinese Optics Letters. Vol.3(suppl),2005
Yueqing Gu, R. P. Mason, Hanli Liu, 「Estimated fraction of tumor vascular blood contents sampled by near infrared spectros and 19F magnetic resonance spectros」 Optics Express, vol.13, No.5, 1724-1733(2005)
Yueqing Gu, Wei Chen, Mengna Xia, Hanli Liu, 「Effect of photothermal therapy on breast tumor vascular contents: noninvasive monitoring by NIR Spectros」, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Vol 81(3) (2005)
Yueqing Gu, Vikram Kodibagkar, Mengna Xia, Anca Constantinescu, Ralph P. Mason, Hanli Liu, 「Breast tumor vascular oxygenation and blood volume assessed by near-infrared spectros and magnetic resonance」, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics, Proceedings of SPIE, vol 5630, Beijing, 2005