A. 關於電磁波,天線方面的英文文獻,要求翻譯中文大約3000字
你是哪個學校的,一般自己學校圖書館的電子圖書 都有的,要不就問老師要
B. 求一篇微帶矩形貼片天線英文文獻翻譯,需註明文獻來源,中文五千字左右,在線等,合適加分
Son S H, Eom S Y,Hwang W. Development of a smart-skin phased array system with a honeycombsandwich microstrip antenna [J]. Smart Materials and Structures. 2008,17:1-9.
C. 求一篇關於微帶天線的英文文獻翻譯 就是英文翻譯成中文 中文字數不低於5000字
每一個不同類型的目的是可以使用在實際的頻率范圍。校準器和配線同軸電纜也可提供。同軸電纜的檢查電纜直徑兩種類型:Ø 4.01(141為基礎)和ø2.68(085基於此產品是繼電器連接器,連接到信號線whichstretches到微帶板或板底平面連接器,而不是ofwelding 。這以下優點,使生產線容易無線電頻率檢測體系建設。組件可以單獨購買與在Web上的任何人頁面價格,並於同日發表的有序日期部分。頻范圍:DC - 10 GHz的射頻,直流和中頻所需的產品可與SMA的規范的組件的相互連接器的介面,所以沒有適應需要,就可以連接該產品可以很容易地連接到年底。。共面微帶板或板焊接在一個水平同軸連接器代替。要測試的電路板放置在接地塊,上下移動,然後被插入並連接到GND。春天的工具與中央的路線,連接到板上的信號線進行測試。至於板地,表面方接收GND和背面連接到與GND塊的工具。該工具的同軸結構中線輸出由跳汰機的內部零件,並且可以連接到同軸電纜適用板厚度:。最大為2.0mm接地塊壓緊力:3公斤力該工具的寬度是作為連接器的尺寸相同,甚至可以使用。根據安排,甚至是連續的連接器電路板規格。當使用正交,請參閱最小可能安裝在左側。為了提高工作的操作,該工具的主體是具有上市滑軌安裝尺寸。甚至當鐵路固定為主體,寬度是一樣的同軸連接器相同,即12.7毫米。滑軌具有鎖定功能錨定工具的主體,以最高的鐵路。由於主體工具可以一起向前和向後移動滑軌即使董事會安裝,要測量時,或每塊板的外部尺寸略有不同,該工具的主體可以很容易地把靠近板進行測量。若該工具的前後位置可確定的,在軌道上的主體是固定的拉動杠桿,穩定和連續測量是可能的。通過調整,將成為在前面一個燕尾槽直線鐵路和背面滑軌,可用於測量信號在黑板上的反對立場分配線使用的測量。利用燕尾滑軌上的側槽,每個滑軌可正交連接到對方。幻燈片鐵路也下滑到右,沿側燕尾槽左側。因此,在測量板大小的變化可處理相結合,滑軌和前面和工具在鐵路主體回歸滑動,即使幾個信號線被分配在旁邊的某個地方,該工具芯線可連接在一個直角。請使用附加到錨定表(*請准備錨自己的表)的滑軌。各類型每個目的都可用。校正初探知道電路板的真正價值5種類型的檢查或測試產品開發的電路板圖案同軸土地一類型的安裝,電源相關的1型差動連接器1型2種類型1,檢查電路的電路板(無線電波探頭)碰不得的檢驗類型點擊這里查看如何使用的產品,可在實際使用的頻率范圍用於校準知道了電路板的真正價值: 由6 GHz 為檢查開發的或測試的產品: 由8 GHz 為同軸
D. 通信方面的英文文獻翻譯!!
Spatial Compressive Sensing Approach For Field
Directionality Estimation.
1. 引言
Variety of techniques for field directionality estimation were
studied in literature [1]-[5]. Thus, a theoretical analysis of
the relationship between the hydrophone array output and the
noise field was concted in [1]-[5]. 用於場方向性估計的多種技術在文獻中做了研究[1]-[5]。因此,對水聽器陣列輸出和雜訊場之間的關系進行了理論的分析[1]-[5]。The developed techniques were based on the array beamformer output or the cross spectral
matrix between outputs of array elements [4]-[5]. 所開發的技術是基於陣列波束形成器的輸出或陣列單元輸出之間的互功率譜矩陣[4]-[5]。The problem of a field directionality estimation in ocean, using horizontal line towed array was also addressed in literature [5]-[8]. 用水平線拖曳陣列在海洋中的場方向性估計問題,在文獻中也用水平線拖曳陣列著重做了研究[5]-[8]。Recently, problems of direction of arrival and field directionality
estimation for moving sensors arrays have attracted
renewed interest [9]-[12]. 近年來,移動的感測器陣列的到達方向問題和場方向性估計問題已重新引起人們的興趣[9]-[12]。It was shown that an array motion
can improve an array performance assuming temporal coherence
of successive samples [10]-[11]. 已經證明,假設相繼的樣本的時間相乾性,那麼一個陣列的運動可以改善一個陣列的性能[10]-[11]。In [12], the wavefield
sampling method that exploits the linear relationship between
the noise field and the collection of beamformer outputs over
various array orientations was proposed.在文獻[12]中,提出了探索雜訊場和在各個不同陣列取向上採集波束形成器輸出之間線性關系的波場取樣方法。 It was shown that
the wavefield sampling (WS) method outperforms other tested methods. This algorithm was implemented via the recursive estimation method and its convergence to the unique solution was promised for a specific set of array orientations and beamformer look directions. 已經證明,波長取樣方法(WS)勝過其他被試驗的方法。這一演算法通過遞推估計法實施,並且它對唯一解的收斂有望用於一組特定陣列取向和波束形成器觀察方向。However, a method for a proper array orientation and beamformer look direction sequence selection remains an open question. 然而,一種用於完美陣列取向和波束形成器觀察方向順序選擇的方法仍然是一個公開的問題。
The quality of the field directionality estimation is determined by the angular resolution. The higher angular resolution is, the more accurate estimation of the far field sources,
and better detection performance can be achieved. 場方向性估計的質量由角度解析度決定。角度解析度越高,遠場源的估計精度就越高,並能達到越好的檢測性能。One of
fundamental relations in the array signal processing is that the angular resolution is directly proportional to the number of the array elements [13]. 在陣列信號處理中的基本關系之一就是角度解析度與陣列元件數成正比[13]。This relation motivates the desire
for longer arrays that can achieve higher resolution. Unfortunately,
the requirement contradicts the implementation and installation limitations that motivate shorter arrays. 這一關系激發了採用能達到較高解析度的較長陣列的慾望。不幸的是,這一要求與促進較短陣列的實施和敷設是矛盾的。Moreover, implementation of longer arrays for maneuvering platforms such as unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) can even be
impossible [14]. 而且,對操縱平台(例如無人潛水器(UUV))實施較長陣列甚至會是不可能的[14]。These contradictions motivate the quest for alternative array signal processing methods. Usually, the field directionality is modeled as a finite set of strong far-field narrow-band sources and an isotropic lowpower noise [1]. 這些矛盾激發了人們對可供選擇的陣列信號處理方法的尋找。通常,場方向性被建模為一組有限的強遠場窄帶源和一個各向同性的低功率雜訊[1]。In this work, the model of the field directionality
is adopted in the following way. 在本文中,場方向性的模型以以下方式被採用。First, the bearing angle space is uniformly sampled into a large number of discrete
angles. 首先,象限角空間被均勻取樣成大量分離的角度。Next, it is assumed that ether the high energy that corresponds to the far-field strong sources or the low-energy
that corresponds to the isotropic noise is received at the sensor
array from every of these discrete azimuth angles. 其次,假設與遠場強源相應的高能量及與各向同性雜訊相應的低能量都在感測器陣列處被從這些分離的方位角的每一個角度被接收。(譯註:這里的ether漏字了,現按either翻譯,如實neither則意思相反)
E. 求一篇天線類的英文文獻翻譯,英文2W印刷字,中文四五千字,合適的再另送高分
Although antenna engineering has a history of over 60 years, it remains, in the words of a recent review article .雖然天線的引擎已經有60年的歷史了。但是,仍然是最新鮮的話題。 「 . . . a vibrant field which is bursting with activity, and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future.」 一個非常活躍的領域正在飛速的成長,也許在可以預見的未來仍然保持如此的勁頭。Within this field, if the numbers of journal articles, symposia papers, workshops, and short courses are any indication, it is probably safe to say that microstrip antennas form one of the most innovative areas of current antenna work. 在這個領域,如果評論的數量,討論文章,研習會,以及短期課程可以提供任何的方向的話,它將為微帶天線從創新領域中脫穎而出提供可能。This paper will review some of the most significant advances in the design and modeling of microstrip antennas that have been made in the last several years.這篇文章將會回顧在最近幾年微帶天線設計和安裝中所取得某些最重要的進步。 The idea of the microstrip antenna dates back to the 1950』s .but it was not until the 1970』s that serious attention was given to this element. 這個關於微帶天線的數據的想法可以追溯到1950年,但是直到1970年,這個方面才被引起了足夠的重視。As shown in Fig. l(a), the basic configuration of a microstrip antenna is a metallic patch printed on a thin, grounded dielectric substrate. 正如所顯示的,關於微帶天線的基礎的程序集是一種金屬性的領域,一種非常薄的、絕緣的材料。Originally, the element was fed with either a coaxial line through the bottom of the substrate, or by a coplanar microstrip line. 本來,這個元素是一條穿過這個物質的底部的清晰的線,或者是一個微碳的線。This latter type of excitation allows feed networks and other circuitry to be fabricated on the same substrate as the antenna element, as in the corporatefed microstrip array shown in Fig. l(b). The microstrip antenna radiates a relatively broad beam broadside to the plane of the substrate. Thus the microstrip antenna has a very low profile, and can be fabricated using printed circuit (photolithographic) techniques. This implies that the antenna can be made conformable, and potentially at low cost. Other advantages include easy fabrication into linear or planar arrays, and easy integration with microwave integrated circuits.
F. 天線的英文翻譯
Define 天線:
1. antenna
2. mast
Relative explainations:
<aerial> <antennae> <monitoring aerial>
1. 接收節目前,你應該先裝天線。
You should fix the television antenna before receiving programs.
2. 哪個愛胡鬧的人擺弄我汽車上的天線了!
Some joker's been playing around with my car aerial!
3. 鳥停在電視天線上.
The birds perched on the television aerial.
4. 裝上新天線後畫面清晰多了.
The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.
G. 能發我一份關於微帶天線的外文文獻外加中文WORD翻譯,如能在兩天內發給我,懸賞加倍。
H. 求一篇微帶天線設計的英文文獻翻譯(最好有源英文文獻),中文四千字左右,在線等,合適加分